⑤⑧ Paradigm

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"The shop feels heavier than I remember it being."

"Because we're the only ones here."

Jeongin hummed a light acknowledgement as he spun around, eyes flickering around the shop to verify that fact. No one was there but him and Chan. There was an emptiness existing in the corners of the shop that never seemed to be there before. It might have been because of the lack of lights, a lot were turned off since they were the first ones in, or it might've been because of where the light touched. For the crew who always resided and crawled in the nighttime like bats to not exist where they were the most comfortable, those blips of illumination spread to where they should never have reached before. How strange it was, to fear the thing most people revered, and to thrive in the place of nightmares.

He hopped on the hood of Chan's car as the older fiddled with a laptop he snatched from the office, taking care while he worked with it in the cab of the car. He was plugging it in to a place under the steering wheel, the only bit of him Jeongin was able to catch sight of being his feet rooted firm against the shop's concrete floors. If he glanced over his shoulder through the windshield, he would've spotted the uncomfortable position Chan was twisted into long enough to contemplate why he would willingly put himself in that spot. He briefly caught his sight through the windshield, sending a soft smile through the glass to which was reflected in the older's features.

"It's weird," Jeongin commented as he hiked a foot up on the hood of the older's car, the weighted boots he wore sending a resonant thud through the metal bonnet. He eyed the surroundings one more time, a hesitance to his tone that echoed in the hollowness of his chest, "Seems there's always one crew member or another around when you need them."

There was a silence behind him as Chan placed the laptop down on his seat and slid out from the car, light steps padding as he came around to the younger. He took a seat next to him on the hood, "Takes a bit for the computer to finish. Think we'll be alone for a while."

Jeongin nodded lightly, not having enough of a will to respond due to a lack of words he thought he could say as a retort, and due to the exhaustion spanning from the past few sleepless mornings coming off the high of freedom from driving down highways without anyone to tighten a collar around his neck. A content hum found it's way pushing past his vocal chords as he leaned on the older's side, muscles gooing into the warmth the other provided. He returned the kissed from a few days ago, building up the courage he had left to press a chaste kiss to the older's cheek in order to grab his intention.

One kiss turned to two, then two to four, and before he knew it, his back was pressed into the hood of the silver car as a tongue lapped at the clandestine secrets that never left the bottom of his throat as they turned to moans that degraded their owners to nothing but voracious beasts wanting to be a little closer than they were before. They were nothing more then that anyway and they were fools to think otherwise; Monsters that consumed, and tore, and destroyed everything in their path. As his nails clawed into the skin under Chan's shirt hard enough to leave marks, that thought continued to thunder in his mind. Hips rocked against his in an urgent connection, a hand digging into his thigh both steadied and rived his soul into unrecoverable pieces at the roughness of every deprived touch.

He could hardly breathe, normal exhales turning to pathetic wants as his somewhat moral mind flipped on itself and turned to nothing. This was something he might've gotten used to. If Chan signed his name on his body. He probably should not have been as hopeless as he was; This relationship they kept sparking was going to burn the whole city down and take them with it. He couldn't forgive the older, but he could understand. And that was enough to tear himself down and give Chan anything he wanted.

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