⑥② "Alice"

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Chan slumped against the couch. Head tilted back, neck on display to the sweet intoxication of cigarette smoke filling the living room, his glazed eyes trained on a world far from where they existed. Deep in his thoughts again, falling infinitely down that rabbit hole until his feet were trapped in quicksand. He held a cigarette carefully between his lips, the same as he had done before, only this time letting the embers of the lit end burn his skin whenever it flaked off. Mercilessly, it branded him as another criminal. Another degenerate. Another person. He would be treated all the same and he was no different.

Again? Jeongin frowned to himself as he watched the other from their bedroom doorway. Of course he would notice the weight in the bed gone. Of course, it just so happened that weight was the one murdering his own lungs on the couch.

Stealthily, Jeongin rolled his feet in order to not make any noise as he approached the older from behind. Staying low, head down, steps as quiet as he could manage, he got the jump on the older as he snatched the cigarette from Chan's lips. The street racer startled. Jeongin let ascowl overcome his features as he stepped in front of Chan and pointed towards the balcony, "Go outside."

"What?" Chan blinked up at him, a shock dancing on his features and a genuine puzzlement in his tone. Not one of anger, simply complete and utter intrigue. And honestly? Seeing him like this, it was rare. The younger quickly snapshotted the mental image of his face, before the other was able to comprehend the situation through his tired mind.

"Go outside until the smell is off you," The younger lowered his voice to a growl.

The collar of his shirt was yanked down, the sudden force nearly flipping Jeongin over the back of the couch if not for the hand that pulled him down slamming violently into his chest when it stopped. His hands shot out to brace his rapid descent forward, and they did a fine job of it, if it weren't for the fact the only thing he had to brace himself against was the couch and a certain someone grabbing him like a ragdog, namely Chan. And if he just so happened to enjoy the excuse to touch Chan, then who was to judge him?

The older's fist didn't release from his clutch on Jeongin's shirt. And despite the position that kept the younger at his will, kept them incredibly close, close enough for Jeongin to feel the older's breath ghosting along his collarbone. And Chan, in a surprisingly calm voice, simply threatened, "Growling at me like an animal, I'll handle you like one."

Okay, I can judge myself for liking this. Jeongin throttled the mental image of him a few times, specifically the mental image of him that enjoyed being treated in such an unkind way. Even worse was when that same mental image of him managed to front and purred, "Maybe I should wear a leash. You would enjoy that."

"All those people who thought you were such a good boy," Chan laughed lightly as he roughly shoved the younger far enough to scan his face with those eyes full of mischief and ruin. Eyes that would summon the devil himself from the pits of hell and win against him. Once again, Jeongin had to remind himself to not feel as excited as he was, and to not be enjoying every second he initiated. Chan definitely noticed the inner turmoil. Because his next comment, his voice dropped and as if his tongue was made of silver, his words were so sweet, despite being the siren taunt of, "I wonder what they would think if they could hear you now."

Let them know. Jeongin thought as his grip tightened, but never vocalized it.

With a heavy sigh, the older, threw his head against the back of the couch as he let go of the younger to allow him to readjust his shirt and calm the shaking in his arms. He quirked an eyebrow as he asked, "Wanted me to go outside?"

Jeongin nodded and weakly pointed towards the balcony.

He let out another heavy sigh, though it wasn't as serious as the previous, and he trudged away. The gentle slide and close of the balcony door filled the silence of the living room as Chan left him for the chilly night air.

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