bonus ✘ Shorts

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Hello, it is your author here

I decided to write shorts. Some are soft, some are angsty, and they all take place after the main events of the story. There is eight in total. Don't take it too seriously and,


⊕ #1; Chicken ⊕

"What are you two doing?"

Minho and Jisung peeked up from the car's engine, a gentle purr coming from the intertwined maze of polish metals matching the shining gleam of their smiles. The younger of the two set something he was gripping in his hands down as he told, "We heard a car's engine gets so hot that it can cook food. We wanted to try."

"Riiigghhtt," Changbin drawled. He set the heavy cardbox of required car parts on the table alongside a styrofoam plate glossed with bits of raw chicken, the cling wrap plastic covering torn back with an obvious void to present a few slices meant to be laid, gone to disappear temporarily within the gullets of the car to emerge anew. By it, a box of aluminum meant for cooking those prepared chicken breasts. Slowly, his arms crossed over his chest as he turned back to the two currently hunched over the master chef of their car's engine. He crossed his arms over his chest, his voice dipping with incredulous fluctuations trying to mask just how exasperated he was with the crew's never-ending antics while their leader was absent, "And where did you hear this incredible fact? Was it Hyunjin?"

Minho responded, "No, online. We looked it up."

"And you trust what they say online."

"We're about to find out," Jisung raised the tightly packed roll of aluminum foil he set down early high enough for the older to see, no doubt waving a piece of raw chicken inside without a second thought to it. His arm slipped into the running engine, skillfully dodging the moving components to not be shredded apart as he packed the chicken away to be cooked. Afterwards, he turned his head in the older's direction, a testing grin on his face asking, "Want one?"

"Sure," Changbin hesitated. His eyes scurried along the two, a paleness arising in his features as if he was about to sign his life away on a contract to the devil, "I'll try your... engine cooked chicken."

While they were focused on cooking chicken in the stove of the car's engine, they failed to notice a quiet Hyunjin stalking to the table behind them. Mindlessly, he was staring at the chicken breasts put on display for the 'responsibile adults' in the room. Right as he caught the attention of the other racers in the room, Hyunjin grabbed one of the raw pieces,

And bit a chunk off.

Immediately, laugher filled the other end of the shop as Jisung attempted to keep his chortles contained.

Changbin nearly jumped over the table separating them as he grabbed Hyunjin; Dragging him backwards in such a way so that the older racer was able shove his fingers to pry the other's clenched teeth open the best he could, the other hand finding Hyunjin's forehead from behind to lock him into the uncomfortable hold. The older commanded, "Spit it out!"

The other shook his head, "Nmph."

"You're going to get food poisoning you fucktard, open your mouth."

After a second of stubborn silence, the only response they were given was a shout as Hyunjin tried to bite his fingers.

As Changbin wrestled to shovel the raw chicken out of the other's mouth, Jisung's light laughter chasing their actions through the shop, Minho could only watch them in amazement. He looked back to the engine, doing his best to ignore the fight happening on the other end of the shop as he stared at the aluminum foil wrapping.

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