② Can't

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Jeongin felt out of it the next day at school. It was harder to focus on the subjects in class and easier to space out while watching the seconds on the clock tick away. He heard the teachers talking but it flew out the other ear. All the notes he had taken on the topics had been absolutely useless as they were all gibberish to the same person who wrote them though he did his very best. The main culprit to this was the person sitting at the back of the class staring holes into his head. Up until this point, Jeongin was unaware that he had shared the same morning schedule with Jisung.

When the lunch bell finally rang it came as a relief. He sighed into his seat, being able to relax back for the first time that day. The other students, Jisung included, began to filter out of the classroom but he didn't move from his spot. Soon it was only him sitting reclined at his desk and the one odd student who didn't have anywhere to go. In this time two students shuffled in, making a mad dash for Jeongin's desk when they caught sight of him.

"Nice to see you too," The youngest smiled at Seungmin and Felix as they dragged over empty chairs, positioning them to be seated around the desk as Jeongin cleared off his classwork, "Felix can I borrow your notes today?"

The mentioned grunted, still settling down, "Of course, I'll send a picture later. Something up?"

"In my mind today. Have you heard of a student by the name of Jisung?"

"Han Jisung? I've heard some nasty rumors about him, like he smokes and drinks and parties at nightclubs. You know how it goes," Seungmin pitched in to the conversation. He had gotten comfortable, as comfortable as one could get in the cheap desk chair, and folded his arms over his chest, "I've also heard some rumors he knows his way around a steering wheel."

This peaked Jeongin's attention.

"Anyway he's smart. That, I know is true."

Felix laughed, "Seriously? I'd think with how much he dyes his hair it effects his brain."

"You aren't one to speak," Jeongin teased as stuck his tongue out at the older who's hair had been dyed a light brown, earning a swift smack to the top of his head and a flurry of chortles from the one who wasn't directly involved. The bystander wasn't safe for long as Felix's attention was drawn to him next. He started to wiggle his fingers wildly like he were a spooky witch as he went to attack Seungmin with a barrage of pinches.

Luckily he was able to slap the invading hands away. When Felix finally left him alone, Seungmin suggested, "You should get your hair dyed Jeongin."

"Are you kidding me? I couldn't! My parents would kill me."

"That's true. They's disown you at the least, have your head shaved and on a pike is the most."

Jeongin nodded in agreement. He tapped his fingers against the edge of his desk in an orderly succession as he babbled, "My parents have their reasons. Plus I have to focus on school, I don't have time to worry about what my hair looks like."

"That's really admirable. No wonder my family loves you so much, what a good kid," Felix cooed like he was talking to a baby, leaning the distance over the surface top and tugging on one of the poor boy's cheek He glanced back at Seungmin who was blankly staring off into thin air instead of being present in the conversation, lightly kicking the leg of the other's chair to startle him out of the daze, "Don't you think so too?"

With a flinch Seungmin broke free from the senseless gazing. He turned in his seat as he narrowed his eyes, glaring daggers at the culprit and bringing his own foot around to hook it around a leg of Felix's chair in a threatening way. Before he could pull the chair leg out from under him, the brunet pointed a finger towards Jeongin. Seungmin raised an eyebrow, whipping his head around to see where his finger was pointed. The youngest could have sworn that Seungmin's cheeks tinted pink when he looked at him but the older was already fixated elsewhere. Jeongin brushed it off for now.

Meanwhile, Felix shot from his chair before the other could kick the leg out from under him. He sprinted out of the room, laughing rather loudly as he went through the doorway and down the hall.

Seungmim grinned, bounding from his seat. He pushed both the chair he was using and the now empty one back to it's original spot before giving a thumbs up to the youngest and hollering behind him as he jogged out of the room, "Felix, don't run! We'll see you after school, okay? Let's get ice cream together today!"

Jeongin justed waved bye to him with a grin he bit down. If he listened careful enough he heard two pairs of footsteps stomping hurriedly down the hall, only stopping when a sharp voice announced that running was no allowed in the halls and for them to join the track team if they were going to be goofing off in that way. He snorted gently upon hearing the commotion down the hall. Feeling pleased with the antics of his friends, he reached behind his seat for his backpack to leave for the next class after lunch.

A shadow loomed over Jeongin. When he looked up he met a pair of heavily made-up eyes gaze down at him from the figure perched impatiently on the top of his desk. Jisung picked uncomfortably at the collar of his untidy uniform as he stared him down, refusing to break the long moment of eye contact.



"Come with me tonight."

"No," Jeongin's smile faltered as he lowered his head. There was a strange smell on him again, not as strong as last night but pungent enough to make Jeongin's nose furrow in pain. He brought his backpack up and plopped it on his lap, snuggling into the back of it for protection. The unrelenting stare dug holes in the top of his head, the other absolutely refusing to back down from getting the answer he wanted.

"You never have to after. Just, once."

"I refuse." He stated but his voice faltered, being far from as firm as it was when he turned Jisung down last night, "Why are you so interested in me suddenly?"

The other snorted, "How hard is it to keep that bright smile?"

Jeongin's strained grin fell from his face. He could almost feel the sense of accomplishment radiating from the other once his smile dropped, a subtle smirk showing in his eyes.

"One night; it's all I'm asking."

Jeongin hugged into his backpack, mumbling against the fabric to hide his weak, "No. I can't."

Jisung frowned. He opened his mouth to say something else but the bell had rung before he could get another word in edgewise. Jeongin silently thanked the bell as he watched the older get up from his desk in one fluid movement and begin to stride away with the quiet whisper of,

"You know where you can find me."

Burnout ⊗ JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now