⑨ Friends

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"Why is it so hot today?"

Despite approaching autumn, there were few days like today when the city was boiled alive. It seemed that the weather didn't get the memo that people want to be out and enjoying themselves, because this odd heat wave also happened to be on the same day that Jeongin met with Seungmin and Felix to divulge in a day off of school. The heat wave left the three hiding away from the sun under branches, seated on the thick slabs of concrete used as a planter for the grown tree far above their heads.

Seungmin was leaning his back against Felix, fanning his hands on his face in an attempt to cool off. He sighed, "Sorry. I swore the weather forecast said it would be cooler today."

"Seungmin, let's go find us something cold to eat," Felix nudged the mentioned off of him as he stood up from the planter. He then turned to Jeongin, offering an apologetic smile as he asked, "Will you be okay on your own?"

"I'll be here," Jeongin threw them a soft smile as he tucked his hands under his legs. His friends said a quick "We'll be back", and without sparing a glance, bounded away.

Jeongin watched their backs slip farther and farther away from his spot under the trees. His eyes drifted to the people walking by. There were a lot out today; a sea of unfamiliar faces and crowded masses with no sense or rhythm despite the weather. They all looked so busy, so hurried like there will always be a place to go but no way to get there. He tucked his hands under his legs and hunched his shoulders in. A turtle curled up in his shell. He could disappear, become lodged in the waves of faces, keep his head down and never make a sound. It wasn't like standing out was his top priority. It wasn't like he wanted his voice to be heard.

Still. Maybe, just maybe, if he screamed loud enough, someone would heard him.


A harsh hand slapped his back. He whipped around to see two familiar faces he hadn't seen in a few weeks, smiling down at him like he was their Messiah. Hyunjin and Minho. Jeongin did a double take, he checked everywhere, he saw everyone walking by, and just where did these two pop out of? He was sure he would've seen these two, between their brightly dyed hair and interesting choice of clothing, they stood out like sore thumbs in the usual grind.

Jeongin was broken from his thoughts when Hyunjin plotted next to him, greeting him with an arm thrown over the shoulder and a lopsided grin, "It's been a while since you've come around, the crew misses you."

"I'm trying to focus on my schoolwork right now," The younger scooted away, thankfully prompting Hyunjin to remove his arm. It didn't go without a few snickers though. Jeongin silently thanked him and continued on with his reasoning, "I can't always be staying up till the sunrise, and I don't belong there, it's not a place for high schoolers."

"Don't you go to the same school as Jisung?" Hyunjin raised an eyebrow and turned to the other street racer for confirmation.

Minho mumbled, "But our Jisung is kind of a lost cause when it comes to academics anyway."

"He's failing?" Jeongin's eyes widden.

"He understands the material, but he doesn't try."

With a huff, Hyunjin cut in to the conversation, "Not trying to compare their academic prowess. Just asking because that means their school is near to our 'job'."

"Good point. If you can't stop by the Hub, at least come visit us at our repair shop when you've got the freetime. We'd love to have you there," Minho added in as a second thought, "Hell, if you know anything about engines, we might be able to give you a job."

"I'll... Think about it."

Hyunjin glared at Minho, a nasty snarl to his voice as he quickly informed, "Minho seems to be forgetting that we don't have the funds to pay you."

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