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⚠️ player, cheating, fake⚠️

Osamu and Suna were dating. They have been for over a year now. They both were really happy. Till one day, osamu had to leave practice earlier to take his twin brother atsumu home after getting sick. Suna didn't want his boyfriend to go but he understood. Though since he hated the fact he was alone. He hit up another person number a girl he been seeing on the side line. She was basically the gender bend of osamu. That the only reason why he liked her.
"Oh babe.. yeah I can meet after practice. Osamu? He at home with his sick brother he won't mind." Suna smiled and spoke the phone. Though unfortunate for him kita. Saw this and told the rest of the team. They wanted to tell osamu before he found out on his own. Suna walked in and everyone acted like nothing wrong. Practice went on and everyone had their eyes on Suna. Everyone knew he was a player and that's why everyone was worried how osamu would act. He knew the truth of Suna being a player though. They weren't sure how he was gonna react.

"Atsumu shut up. Take the medicine and I'll go back to get our gym bags. Geez. I told you not to rush." Osamu sighed and shook his brother as atsumu laid on his bed taking the medicine whining.
"Be quick....." atsumu whined louder coughing.
Osamu nodded and headed out to go back to the gym.


"EVERYONE THINKS AND SAYS IM A CHEATER AND A PLAYER!" Suna shouted as he cried to osamu. Osamu patted his back and frowned.
"I never thought that... I thought you were nice and amazing.." osamu smiled.
"How would you know. You don't even like me. You say that cause we're friends. I bet you think the same as them." Suna groaned.
"If I did why am I here supporting and comforting you.. plus I don't believe them I believe you. After all.. I like you" osamu looked at Suna who pulled him into a kiss. They started dating after that. Atsumu never really liked it, but he was happy for his brother.

~present day~
"Hey Suna! I'm back to pick up atsumu and I gym back. That idiot made me rush." Osamu smiled.
"Oh- H-Hey yeah. Can't talk got to help someone with work tonight." Suna smiled back.
"You said you didn't have work.. and you said we would hang out..." osamu frowned.
"Well I thought you and your brother were gonna chill and you being a good brother help him get better" Suna looked at his phone trying to the text the girl. Though it was too late, she walked over.
"Hey Bab-" she stopped herself. Osamu frozen, staring at his boyfriend and his side chick.
"Is Osamu here I heard his voice-" kita walked out seeing the 3. He shake his head taking Osamu inside and Suna was looking at the girl he felt pissed. His whole plan was ruined.
"Osamu. I'm sorry. Suna been cheating on you.. I know you didn't wanna believe him. Though the reason everyone called him a player was cause he dated many at once." Kita frowned and bow his head to Osamu. Osamu had tears forming in his eyes.
"I-I should have known.." Osamu turned and went to the locker room grabbed his bag and atsumu's. He then just walked past everyone else who wanted to just talk to him and comfort him. Suna stopped him as he was leaving the gym. The girl was gone.
"Osamu don't get all salty. She mistook me for someone else." Suna smiled playing it off.
"Don't lie to me. I know she was your work thing. She was your next target. Tell me Suna. Did you even like me or was this all a damn game." Osamu was pissed off now. He wanted to beat him up. Suna looked away.
"Fine. I never actually liked you. You were the only one I could get, so I played with you for fun. I was gonna tell yeah.. but it was too hard. It not like it matter. Just go off tell everyone and become toxic to me." Suna shrugged.
"TOXIC?! Your the toxic one Suna!! Your a low life cheater who plays with everyone. YOUR A PLAYER!" Osamu punched Suna across the face and the rushed out grabbed them apart. Suna nose was bleeding and Osamu had blood on his fist.
"Let me go. I have to get back to my brother." Osamu growled as he pushed eveyone off him. Suna held his nose and glared at him. He flipped him off. Kita shook his head and grabbed Suna.
"I'm taking you to the nurse. Then your getting benched. So will Osamu. Though you deserved it." Kita spoke sternly which sacred everyone. They walked off.

At atsumu and Osamu.
"He was a cheater atsumu.. just stay in bed. I already gave him a good punch to the nose." Osamu explained. He told atsumu the whole story as he was washing his hand from dried blood. Atsumu was coughed but he was angry.
"I hope you broke his nose." Atsumu groaned and mumbled. Osamu rolled his eyes and nudged his brother shoulder as he sat on his bed.
"It fine. I'm glad to have an older brother like you at least." Osamu smiled and atsumu coughed covering his mouth.
"Well that's what I'm here for, annoying you and being the closest person you got. I'll always support you and be here when you need me." Atsumu smiled. Osamu and atsumu hugged each other and then just relaxed watching a movie.

A week later. Osamu ended up getting sick cause of his watching after his brother.
"Haha sorry. I guess being close also means, You'll end up getting every cough or sneeze I had" Atsumu laughed as Osamu pulled the covered his head.

He was gonna be okay...

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