Atsusuna (part 2)

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Suna went home and started to text osamu tell him about what had happened with his brother. Osamu was laughing in his room, it really worked out like how he wanted it too. Atsumu on the other hand was going to beat his brother up at this point. Though would Suna even want him back.

As atsumu got home just as anyone could see they started fighting and were pretty violent about it.
"YOU STOLE MY CRUSH" Osamu shouted.
"HE ASKED ME OUT NOT YOU OKAY?! HE LOVED ME AND YOU RUINED THAT FOR STUPID JEALOUSLY, PETTY FEELING?! YOUR THE WORSE BROTHER EVER!" Atsumu shouted and cried at Osamu. He punched his brother and locked himself in his room. Osamu rubbed his face and walked out.
"Fine I'll go see your ex-Boyfriend." Osamu smirked. Atsumu was ripping apart Osamu bed and throwing his stuff around. Osamu groaned.
"YOU BETTER FIX MY STUFF WHEN IM BACK!" He could hear all the noise.

Meanwhile Suna was in his room looking at his phone. He looked down and sighed softly.
"Why did he cheat on me... " Suna hugged himself as he heard a knock at his front door. He walked towards the door looking like a mess. He sighed and open the door.
"Atsu—" Suna gulped.
"Hey Suna, I'm sorry about my brother.. but I'm here for you" Osamu smirked and hugged Suna. Suna hugged him back and nuzzled into his chest.
"Why is your brother such a horrible person. I even fell for him.." Suna frowned.
"I don't know. He just so horrible~" Osamu smirked softly.
"Yeah.. well you can come in.." Suna walked into the house and Osamu closed the door behind him. He smiled and followed Suna into the house. He then walked to Suna room and sat on his bed.
"We could do  something if you want~" Osamu smirked.
"I'm not really in the mood Osamu, please I'm not doing it with you either. Your a twin with atsumu you'll look the same." Suna shook his head. Osamu sighed and his phone started to ring.
"Give me a second I need to take this" Osamu walked out his room and went to the hallway. It was Sakusa calling.
"What is Sakusa?" Osamu asked as he sounded pissed.
"I want to tell atsumu the truth. He hates me now. Your plan failed." Sakusa explained and he felt really guilty for hurting atsumu feeling and Suna. They were happy and he ruined it. He didn't wanna do that to him, since he did care for atsumu.
"Well he PLAN worked for ME! Suna saw the fake photo and now wants me~" Osamu laughed softly.
"Your sick Osamu. I should of never said yes to this whole plan.." Sakusa shook his head and hung up. Though Osamu thought he was slick and won. Suna was on the other side of the door of course he heard him. He slammed his door open.
"YOU FAKED THE PHOTO!?" Suna shouted Osamu jumped and shake his head and waved his hands out.
"N-No!! It was real! They really did kiss!" Osamu tried to lie.
"I heard you Osamu... Your a Jerk!! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" Suna shouted and Osamu stepped back as Suna shoved him towards the door. Osamu was forced out and glared.
"He didn't deserve you.." Osamu grumbled.
"Yeah but he a lot better then you.." Suna slammed his front door shut. He then went to go call atsumu, but atsumu wasn't gonna pick up. 

Atsumu was passed out form exhausted from crying and angry...
Suna then looked down. It be to awkward to get back together. He sighed.
"It better we don't start again..." Suna closed his eyes...

"Better for both of us..."

((IM SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER! I been busy and celebrated my birthday awhile ago!

I know this ain't the best ending but it feel more calming and acceptable as they both know if they get together Osamu would do something bad again or they be uncomfortable. ))

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