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⚠️ heartbreak,Fake friend,imaginary friend⚠️

It was a normal day of high school Yamaguchi and Tsukki walked to class together. Tsukki never enjoyed anyone but yamaguchi. He though they were great friend ever since yamaguchi was bullied.

Tsukki sat his desk as he looked over at yamaguchi. He rolled his eyes and just question why he never did his work even though he was a good student. It been like this since he started high school. He wrote his notes and then sighed as he got bored fairly quickly and took his glasses off wiping them. Though when his glasses were off he couldn't see yamaguchi. He put them on and saw him again. He must of gotten up or something. Class went by fairly slowly and yamaguchi never gave him one word. Normally he be all over him. He became quick after middle school. He shrugged and just took his bag that had a small Dino on it. Yamaguchi save that to him as a birthday gift. He always smiled when he saw it, or that was when he was alone or with yamaguchi.

They got to volleyball practice. Hinata and kageyama were fighting like always.
"Kageyama!!!" Hinata shouted
"Hinata boke!" Kageyama shouted back
"Tsukki! Glad to see you made it!!" Daichi said as Tsukki was the last one to make it and thought he was gonna skip out.
"Yeah. Yamaguchi took longer then I thought.." yamaguchi just stayed quiet and looked down. Tsukki then went ahead and joined everyone. Sugawara walked over to daichi.
"Who this yamaguchi guy?.." sugawara frowned.
"I don't know.." Daichi mumbled and they just went on with practice. Everyone just stared at Tsukki whenever he say yamaguchi and just acted like they understood. Though deep down they all had the same question.
"Who yamaguchi?"
Kageyama set a ball to Tsukki and he hit it down and practice was finally over.
"Hey king next time put it slightly higher okay. I'm not as short as that orange or you" he teased and kageyama just made a fist as he was about to swing at him. Yamaguchi stepped in and got in between them. Tsukki rolled his eyes and just backed off after he took a step back. Which confused kageyama he thought he was gonna hit him.
He got changed liked everyone and took his bag and started to walk home with yamaguchi.
"You didn't have to step up for me you know. I can handle it myself"
Yamaguchi didn't say a thing and it kinda pissed Tsukki off. He stood in the middle of the street where everyone saw him.
"WHY ARE YOU SO QUIET?! What did I do wrong to you! I helped you and saved you" he poked yamaguchi chest and then pushed him down. Yamaguchi fell to the ground and disappeared running. Tsukki clicked his tongue and walked off to his house. He walked in and slammed the door. His brother then looked over.
"Hey what's wrong with you? Volleyball? Failing grade?" He laughed
"Shut up. I fought with yamaguchi." Tsukki mumbled and walked to his room and sat down on his bed.

Meanwhile Tsukki parents were all talking about who yamaguchi was and then tried to see who would tell him. His brother got the unlock straw.
He walked to Tsukki door and knocked. He slowly open it only to get hit by a pillow.
"I never told you to come in"
"Well I have too.." his brother clears his throat and sat on his bed.
"It's about yamaguchi.."
Tsukki sat up and stared.
"What happened to him?! I have to call him" Tsukki grabbed his phone and then his brother placed a hand on top of his putting it down.
"Yamaguchi is not real.. he imaginary.."
"No he not. I'm not a little kid you know." Tsukki took his phone and called yamaguchi number. Rhe phone rang and then it answered
"See I'm not an idiot-"
"The number you have just tried to reach is not real. Please try again"
Tsukki gulped as his face went pale.
"He real though I see him in class everyday.. and at practice. Everyone see him"
His brother patted his back.
"Tsukki you made him up after you lost your Dino plushie.. it was in middle school" his brother tried to explain even though it sounded dumb.
"That's not true. I still have the damn plushie it under my bed. Yamaguchi was under-" Tsukki froze as it clicked in his head.

He then remembered back then how he cried cause he lost his Dino plushie that day. He also then met saw a kid get bullied but all he did was stand by. He then turned it into a dream where his dinosaur plushie was actually real. That he saved him from being bullied. All the time as a kid when he would do thing. He was alone.
Today at practice. The street. Everyone saw him just being crazy.

"Tsukki?! Tsukki hello?" His brother waved a hand in front of him. Then Tsukki took his glasses off as he tear rolled down his face.
"I was always alone..." Tsukki mumbled and remembered that one time he was with yamaguchi and he thought he kissed him. That was fake too. His heart was aching.
"My life is a lie..." he gulped and after that he never spoke yamaguchi name again.

But even on the loneliness days. He still wished he was real, or that he was the fake one.

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