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⚠️ disagreement, jealous, runaway, death⚠️

Oikawa and sugawara have just started dating few days ago. Everything was fine till their teammates found out. They all supported them but Daichi honestly wasn't a big fan of it cause he had a crush on sugawara. So they would always disagree about it.
"Daichi if you liked you should of asked me out not when dating Oikawa. He actually took the leap of faith and asked me out." Sugawara sighed.
"Well I love you more okay. Please I promise you." Daichi frowned and looked at sugawara.
"Well I don't want to be with you!! I had my feeling for you but you liked a girl on the female team! So why not just go back to her!" Sugawara shouted and stormed out of gym taking his bag with him. Daichi looked at him grabbing his arm.
"Please don't go!!" Daichi shouted at sugawara.
"LET GO!" Sugawara slapped Daichi and ran off. He was a type of person to let someone take over him.

Sugawara had a enough of this stupidness he hated how Daichi became such a toxic person in his life. Why couldn't he just be happy for him just like he was when Daichi talked about his crush. Sugawara was running away from home, from school and from his life now. He no longer wanted to be with anyone other Oikawa. His boyfriend.


"Hey guys I got to go pick up Sugawara from school. I wanted to surprise him on a date! So I'll see you all later" Oikawa said to his team getting changed and grabbed his stuff. Iwaizumi nudged him.
"Good luck and don't have too much fun"
"Iwa-chan are you my mom?" Oikawa froze but laugh. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and punched Oikawa arm. Everyone laughed at them. It was great that they all were all supporting unlike Sugawara and daichi. It did hurt Iwaizumi a bit since he had a crush on Oikawa, but he rather see him happy instead of himself.

Oikawa walked out of the change room. His phone started ringing and he picked up seeing it was Sugawara.
"Hello babe~ what are you doing."
"I'm at your school gates." Sugawara replied.
"Wait- what. I wanted to pick you up." Oikawa pouted.
"No. I'm running away. Are you coming with me or not." Sugawara said sternly.
"Wait wait. I'm coming just come down." Oikawa ran to the gate looking for Sugawara. He spotted him hanging up the phone and hugging Sugawara.
"Tell me what's wrong.." Oikawa whispered into Sugawara ears holding him tightly.
"Daichi... he grabbed me and he tried to force me to break up with you..." Sugawara teared up crying into Oikawa.
"Okay shh.. it's okay.. come on we can go to my place okay?.." Oikawa rubbed Sugawara back.
"Okay...." Sugawara mumbled.

They started to walk to Oikawa place but someone was watching them. They wore a black hat and hoodie. He follow them till the two entered the house.

"Sugawara love. You want something to eat?" Oikawa asked as he took their bags upstairs to their now shared room.
"No no I'm fine... don't worry about it" Sugawara smiled to himself. He felt safer here. "Alright if you say so" Oikawa replied then put their things away and put the dirty clothes in the wash.

Hours went off and they started to just chatting and having a great time nothing could ruin this till.


A gun shot was fired and it hit Oikawa head. He his head fell onto Sugawara. Sugawara screamed and ran to his phone.
"W-Why?! OIKAWA?!" Sugawara started to cry why was this happen. How did Oikawa just die where did it come from. He was scared and terrified his lover was just killed in front of him. Sugawara sobbed his eyes out.

"Sugawara..." a random voice called out and another gun shot was heard. The front door Swamy up. Sugawara heart stayed racing and he looked at the man.
"Hey Sugawara. Look Oikawa dead now. Come with me if you wanna stay safe" the voice mutter.
"Hello this is 991. What is your emergency" the phone was answred
"Tsk..." Daichi took the gun and shot Sugawara hand with the phone. Sugawara screamed and looked at his hand crying.
"You could of just dumped him and dated me but no.." Daichi groaned and took the hat off and pulled the hood down. He grabbed Oikawa body and waved him around.
"Look Sugawara you killed me!" Daichi mocked Oikawa voice. Sugawara was sobbing.
"You did this! You killed him not me!" Sugawara cried out.
"Too bad... you still want him right? Well then.. be with him" Daichi glared and raised his gun dropping Oikawa body.
"NO NO PLEASE!" Sugawara shouted the Neightber hearing and call the police now too. Daichi then shot Sugawara and fell to his knees.

"I guess it was never a happy ever ending after all...."

((I just wanna let everyone know again! I have sprained my finger and all stories i will be posting were done two week before.
It still hurts to even try to be on my phone long.. so I only been trying to answer comments.
Thank you to everyone who have been leaving comments and supporting my fanfics. 💞

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