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⚠️Nsfw, manipulation, Homophobia ⚠️

Oikawa and Iwaizumi had been friends since middle school. It been years since they had seen each other after high school when they played volleyball.

Oikawa was an amazing volleyball player everyone loved him and he secretly had Iwaizumi ears bud with him still. Iwaizumi on the other hand became a personal trainer for those who played volleyball. It was the Japan national as Oikawa and Iwaizumi had met up again. Oikawa had a deep secret he never told Iwaizumi and he was playing to tell him today.

"Iwa-chan! It been nice to see you again after that match." Oikawa smiled brightly.
"Mhm.. nice to see you too shittykawa, but stop with the stupid nickname" Iwaizumi groaned and then Oikawa held his arm walking out with him.
"Let's go drink together!" Oikawa cheered and Iwaizumi just nodded. They haven't seen each other in so long. So of course he agree with his friend. His childhood friend.

Finally they got to pub and sat down. They order two light beers as a starter so they wouldn't be so drunk to talk about things. They didn't want to say out loud.
"So iwa-chan got anyone you been seeing" oikawa asked a little nervous as he sipped his drink.
"I could ask the same, but no." Iwaizumi just gave a simple answer.
"Haha.. been laid yet~ though I'm single but I have my eye on someone he.."
"Can you not talk about your sex life with guys.. for fuck sake?" Iwaizumi growled and looked away. Oikawa sighed and nodded. They just kept drinking after that.

Hours went by and Oikawa was completely drunk. Iwaizumi had to take Oikawa home since he wasn't even half as drunk as the other male. They drove in a cab. Oikawa was very cuddle up to Iwaizumi and nuzzled him.
"Iwa-chan.. I have a secret.." Oikawa hiccuped.
"Your drunk Oikawa just shut up please." Iwaizumi sighed and Oikawa grabbed his face kissing Iwaizumi.
"I love you and this is sober Oikawa talking.." Oikawa smiled softly and hiccuped again and threw up on Iwaizumi lap. The cab driver groaned and put the windows down and quickly dropped them off and made Iwaizumi pay more. Iwaizumi was even more pissed off now.
"You asshole." Iwaizumi dragged Oikawa up to the other room. He sighed and laid him down. As he stared down at Oikawa he couldn't help but try to have gay sex with him.

It started off with a small kiss and then stripped them down. They started off slow. Till Iwaizumi hand moved down Oikawa pants and his finger entered him. Oikawa moaned liked a female which turned iwaizumi on. They kept going and Iwaizumi thrusted his hips into the other. After an hour they both were done. A sticky mess.
Oikawa woke up a blushing mess and Iwaizumi just groaned he regretted what he had done but Oikawa on the other hand enjoyed it.

This went on for months after. Oikawa couldn't let Iwaizumi go, but Iwaizumi would throw up every night after. He wouldn't tell Oikawa why till that one night where they were on a night out with matsu and Makki.
"So are you two official?" Makki asked
"What? Us n-" Iwaizumi was trying to speak but was stopped.
"I say we are! Just not officially?" Oikawa giggled a little he had gotten drunk a little bit Iwaizumi cut him off.
"Oh really? So that hickey must of been by Iwaizumi then! Congrats you two" natsu teased.
"WHAT?! I told you to cover that" Iwaizumi shouted. Everyone at the restaurant stared at them but Oikawa just laughed. Makki and matsu gave each other a look.
Iwaizumi was in a grumpy mood after that. He couldn't stand being by Oikawa anymore. He sighed softly. It was finally over Makki and matsu said they had gotten engaged by the end of the night.
"Congrats you two!!" Oikawa smiled
"Oh congrats.." Iwaizumi mumbled.
"Thank you" Makki smiled and held matsu arm.
"I'm hoping you both be able to come to the wedding as a couple?" Matsu smiled.
Iwaizumi groaned and shook his head.
"Never." Iwaizumi walked off.
"I'll handle him" Oikawa followed and

Iwaizumi then grabbed Oikawa shirt lifting him up.
"I'm not going to a dman gay wedding I hate gay people" Iwaizumi growled loudly and threw  Oikawa down.
"I-Iwa-chan but what about us?" Oikawa whined.
"What about us? We're never gonna be couple okay? I hate gay sex and I hate you the most. You made me have sex with you those 5 months ago! Damnit! You know I never liked you never!!!" Iwaizumi shouted.
"B-But iwa-chan I loved you... you told me you loved me" Oikawa tears up and Makki and matsu ran out after paying to see how the other were.
"Love?! You think I met any of those stupid sentences?" Iwaizumi smirked.
"Y-Yes I love you iwa-chan please maybe your drunk" oikawa whined and Makki went to help but matsu held him back knowing they were drunk too and they couldn't have a fight right now.
"I never loved you oikawa. You were just a sex partner to me" Iwaizumi laughed and looked at him.
"Never in my life will I marry or go see a gay wedding. Nor will I ever date my childhood friend. Your just a gay Guy. I have no feelings to me" Iwaizumi spoke again and Oikawa cried softly. Oikawa ran away but was stopped by Makki and matsu as they hugged him.

Iwaizumi walked off and Oikawa never seen him since, till the wedding as much as he said he never go to one. He showed up only to show off his new girlfriend to everyone. She was basically a female Oikawa. He wasn't even invited after awhile. Matsu kicked him out after he made it here.

Iwaizumi wanted to show everyone he never loved Oikawa and never needed him or his gay friends anymore...

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