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⚠️ fake love ⚠️

Kageyama and Tsukki have been dating for 3 days. They were dares to start dating each other and see who could last the longest or if they actually fall in love. The relationship started off slow and rocky.
"Who really king you think you can boss me around" Tsukki groaned as he looked at kageyama.
"Well yeah bottom~" kageyama teased and grabbed Tsukki shirt collar angrily.
"Oh wow king. Well your the one who shallows." Tsukki laughed and spit at kageyama face.
"Don't call me king!" Kageyama shouted.
This went on for hours, by the end of the day kageyama was the bottom and Tsukki was the top. They were forced to sleep together throughout any trip the team would make. Though it started off painful and hating. They also became more comfy and happy.

5 weeks went by and they haven't ended the date yet, but it was obviously one of them fell for the other. Though the other wasn't into it.
"Hinata you think kageyama gonna be okay?.." yamaguchi whispered to hinata.
"I'm sure he just joking." Hinata laughed. Though yamaguchi knew the pain he had been rejected by Tsukki before.
"So king when you gonna back down." Tsukki glared at kageyama seeing him staring at him.
"Never." Kageyama muttered at him glaring more at him.

This week on for another few weeks. They it became a whole month.

"IM DONE WITH YOU!?" Tsukki shouted at kageyama pushing him down.
"What?" Kageyama asked as they were sitting by each other at the gym waiting for the others. Tsukki stood up and looked at kageyama.
"How can we keep going I don't like you okay?! I never did you understand king?! Can we just end this now!?" Tsukki was mad at him shaking his head and walking in line back and forth.
"Wait.. so this was all fake?! Then what the hell was about all the damn thing we did?!" Kageyama stood up and looked at Tsukki shouting now. Hinata and yamaguchi walked in by were quiet.
"I HATE YOU KAGEYAMA!" Tsukki yelled and grabbed him.
"WELL I LOVED YOU" Kageyama shouted back.
"I was ready to you. I tried to hurt all on purpose but no.. you kept loving me to the point you think this was real. You fell in love with me even. Hahaha" Tsukki threw kageyama down and held his own face. Kageyama eyes widen and he started to tear up but held back.
"Then you used me. You could of ended this you know. If you just stopped and came out.. but you made me believe you actually liked me but you don't..." Kageyama looked away and got up walking out and frowned.
"Well too bad." Tsukki looked away and seeing the two.
"There you happy? The dare off." Tsukki walked out the other way. Yamaguchi followed him and Hinata ran over to kageyama frowning.
"Are you-" Hinata was cut off.
"No." Kageyama looked down.
"I'm sorry that they dated you guys and we just let it happen..." Hinata frowned at kageyama.

"Forget it. It was fake anyway..."

((Hey guys I'm finally all healed! BUT
I will be moving next week.. so I most likely won't have any wifi at my new house.. so I will miss one week of upload. Though I'll have to time write on the road! So hopefully I'll have chapter after chapter written for everyone to read when I'm back.
That's why I'm uploading today instead of Friday!))

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