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⚠️TIME SKIP, heartbreak, Last Goodbye, last chance??? (Maybe 🤭)⚠️

Oikawa and Iwaizumi have been dating for over 2 years now. They just graduated from their class and they both know they won't last but they still wanna try. Though Iwaizumi wants to just end it cause it hurts him too much.
"Iwa-chan You know tonight our last night right?..." Oikawa cling to Iwaizumi frowning softly.
"That's why I'm saying we should break up tooru we won't make it through any longer.."
"But I'll call everyday and we can still date!"Oikawa whined.
"No.. The time different is too much" Iwaizumi muttered. Oikawa frowned and got up.
"Fine.. I'm just going to bed I got to wake up early tomorrow..." Oikawa walked off to their bedroom and got changed and lay down in his bed that he shared with Iwaizumi. He hugged his pillow and tears up. He didn't know why Iwaizumi would even TRY not even a little bit. Maybe everyone was right and Iwaizumi never actually liked him. Just like everyone he hates. He slowly cried himself to sleep.

Meanwhile Iwaizumi was sitting on the couch on his phone. He frowned softly as he saw some old photos of him and his loving boyfriend.
"We always been by each other side.. ever since we were kids..." he kept looking through the photo seeing them play volleyball together as children then through middle school. He laughed softly as he could feel himself getting sad and guilt rolling in. He regretted saying they ended. Though he already said it and it was over. He then got up and went to the bedroom seeing his red eye ex.. he gulped and put his phone down his nightstand and lay down by him and moved the hair for his forehead kissing it.
"Tooru... I'm sorry.." Iwaizumi whispered and then pulled away laying back falling asleep.

~hours passed~

Oikawa woke up first and saw Iwaizumi there beside him. He shook his head and got up grabbing his phone and left a note for Iwaizumi. He had to catch his train today anyway. He was leaving for good. He has his life to move on to now. If Iwaizumi didn't want him. He cry about it on his own time. He can't be held back anymore. He shake and trembled as he placed his hand on the front door after getting his hair down and dressed. He stare back at their bedroom. He could see the time they slow dance around the living room, made milk bread together and when they would close that bedroom door to make loving. He tear up and wipe his eyes quickly.
"Goodbye iwa-chan..." he spoke quietly and walked out the front door shutting it behind him and went off to the train station.

Iwaizumi was still asleep dreaming that he had lost Oikawa forever. Which wasn't just happening in his nightmare but real life too. He woke up gasping in a cold sweat.
"TOORU!?" He shouted and looked to his side. He gulped and clears his throat.
"I forgot.. he actually leaving today...." he got up and then noticed the note grabbing it and walked t the kitchen as he put on a shirt. He leaned his forward elbow on the counter and read the note

Dear iwa-chan,
                            By the time your reading this I'm probably at the train station or even gone... but I'm happy that we got to stay together for those years as child friend. Though most importantly as lover for the last 2 years. Sometime I wonder if I should just stay back and not follow my dream. It stupid to do that. I know that now... you don't even love me. I'm sorry iwa-chan. I love you so much I won't ever stop loving you. Please I'll be waiting at the train station... I leave at 9:30am... if you love me then please come find me. I can't stand not having you by my side again. I need you..
                                                        Oikawa tooru

Iwaizumi read through the note and frowned as he could feel a tear roll down his face. He hold the note tightly and turned to look at the clock. He then saw it was 9:00am he froze.
"I'm coming tooru..." he mumbled and ran to the bedroom getting completely dressed. He grabbed his phone and shoved the phone and note in his pocket. He then grabbed his truck keys and ran out. He turn the truck on and started to drive off. He tapped the wheel as he held with a tight grip. He watched the time on his truck tik and go faster as he had a bad feeling in his gut.
"I have to hurry... I have too" he kept muttering to himself and even started to drive faster. He couldn't wait any longer to see oikawa. He wanted to hold him and kissed him. He checked the time again 9:15am he had half of the time he needed. He finally parked his car and ran to the train station.
"I'm not gonna make it..." he mumbled as he knew that it took almost 15 just to get there by walking cause the whole place was completely packed
"TOORU!" Iwaizumi shouted as he finally got to the train station. He looked around in fear as he check everyone face. He then spotted a tall male with blue on his jacket. His eyes widen as he froze seeing him.
"Tooru.." the name of his lover left his lips. Oikawa slowly turned his head as they could feel the train wind blow past them. Oikawa started to tear up as he held his train ticket.
"I-Iwa-chan...." his voice trembled.
"T-tooru I'm sorry..." Iwaizumi apologize quickly as he took a step forward, but unexpectedly tooru stepped back and shook his head.
"N-No... you said we were done okay.. I know what I said on that note was needy... But you had your chance with me iwa-chan. You didn't even want to try!!" Oikawa shouted as he started to cry. Iwaizumi ran up and grabbed his face kissing him.
"Well why am I here.. if I don't even wanna try.." Iwaizumi inhale and looked at Oikawa.
"I love you iwa-chan" tooru cried with a smile and the train pulled in.
"I love you too tooru..." Iwaizumi kissed him again and wiped his tears away.
"Can we try again..."
"Iwa-chan... we still long distance. You said you didn't want to be.." Oikawa sighed and shake his head.
"But I want too now! Can't you see I came and did all this for you tooru!!" Iwaizumi shouted.
"Then... You wait for me okay?.." Oikawa went up to step into the train.
"Fine... I'll always be waiting for your tooru..." Iwaizumi looked down.
"Then goodbye iwa-chan..." Oikawa turned away.
"W-Wait!" Iwaizumi grabbed Oikawa hand and slipped a ring on his finger.
"Just so you stay mine... a promise ring for now" Iwaizumi smiled and kissed Iwaizumi again. Oikawa kissed him back.
"Then this is our goodbye till we see each other again iwa-chan..." Oikawa waved with the ring on his finger as the train door closed
Iwaizumi chased after the train waving at tooru as it went by till he couldn't anymore. He then stood there slowly crying.
"Goodbye for now.... and I hope this wasn't my last chance..." Iwaizumi whispered and turned off walking back to his truck...

Oikawa sat on the train and kissed the ring on his finger...

"Why does it still hurt...."

((HEY guys I know you been waiting for awhile but hopefully this makes up for it..

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