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⚠️ long distance, comfort, COVID, heartbreak⚠️

Everyone knows and seem that long distance always have been a pain. Even now a days with covid. If your miles away and no one around it get so lonely what could you do. Osamu and akaashi were getting worried and feeling so alone. Could one break the rules and just run to each other arms. Someone I loved is so far from me and I can't be there to help them.

"Hey Akaashi it me osamu I hope your doing well and I love you so much okay" osamu said over the phone. He knew how hard it was for them. Just lately it became a year and today was their first year anniversary of being a couple. They had their first kiss today and spent so much time together before osamu had to go home cause they planned on closing roads. Akaashi woke up that morning watching the news and cried for an hour in the shower before going to osamu, waking him up.

It been a year since that morning now. What were they suppose to do now. They both prayed for the other to somehow appear by their door in the morning or before bed.

Akaashi looked at his phone and smiled. He turned to call to FaceTime and looked at his boyfriend.
"I love you so much too.. but osamu what are we suppose to do.. we hardly see each other now. Plus it safer if we do this and we're doing our part." Akaashi looked at osamu his smile fading and going to a frown.
"I'm not sure but we doing great right? We can survive this then we can survive anything." Osamu smiled and tried to comfort his boyfriend.
"I can't do this... I can't fake my feeling anymore. Osamu. I need... someone in person. I need you here!! I can't do this anymore! WHY CAN'T ANYONE STAY HOME!" Akaashi shouted his heart was racing and pounding he cried into his hands. Osamu looked shocked as he tear up looking at Akaashi in such pain. He never seen him like this. Why all of the sudden did everything have to go so cold.
"What if I never see you again... what if you find someone else... we live so far" Akaashi mumbled looking down.
"I only love you Akaashi I'll never cheat on you okay. Believe me when I say that. I know when I'm at school I'm around other guys, but please Everyone who asked me out I said no too." Osamu frowned at Akaashi feeling his heart squeeze. Akaashi flinched and looked at his phone his eyes just shouting helping me.
"THATS my point everyone asking you. You could easily be lying and I'll never know!! I can't do this.. please I don't wanna be alone anymore. Even if you cheated on me I wouldn't dump you. I would apologize to you..." Akaashi held his chest breathing heavily. It was killing him inside why can't he just be someone special and be the only one he loved. Why can't he trust someone after being cheated on. A broken heart can't heal until they see something happen.
"Akaashi.. I understand it hard. It hurts me too.. please I just want you to understand. If we broke up I wouldn't date anyone else. I only love you and I only ever loved you. I know it hurts, but look I'll see you soon. Just hold on a little longer." Osamu put on a smile and tear rolled down his face and Akaashi looked at osamu nodding his head.
"I love you too. I love you so much, please don't cheat on me. Please don't leave me heart broken. I can't take it again" Akaashi laughed as he cried trying not to let the pain leak out but it was too late. They both sobbed on the phone talking a little longer till 2am then they both just smiled at each other.

The distance was there but they never felt so close to each other, but what will they do when everything just falls apart. What if this happen again. Please they both beg just wanting to feel the other not even sexually just a kiss. A hug. Holding hands...

"I love you.." is the only thing the have and can hold onto for the loyalty of the other.

"I only want you.... I love you so much."

((Ugh I even made myself cry 😭

HEY GUYS! This an early upload only cause I will not be on after this I will no longer have wifi tomorrow and for a few days.
Im moving and it will take 3 days to get to my new place. As well we won't be able to get wifi for a while. So please don't worry when I don't upload. I will try to write on my drive when bored or at late night. Other then that I will come back with a normal posting.

Wish me luck! And hopefully you'll still keep reading ))

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