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⚠️ Cheating, misunderstanding ⚠️
(I couldn't make Kuroo cheat I couldn't 😭😭 so I added in a misunderstanding)

It been officially a year since kuroo and kenma had been dating. They were on their anniversary date. A very fancy restaurant, but kuroo seem to be smiling at his phone more then he normally would.
"Kuroo?.. how your food" Kenma asked nervously.
"Oh it fine. How yours?" Kuroo was still on his phone.
"Okay.." Kenma sounded sad and looked down. Kuroo looked up from his phone and noticed.
"Are you okay. I'm sorry I'm on my phone" Kuroo smiled softly. Kenma just shook his head and finished half of his plate. Kuroo and kenma walked home after and they started hold hands feeling like a real couple.
"I love you kenma!" Kuroo shouted out to the world.
"I love you too Kuroo.." Kenma spoke and blushed.
"Wait you actually said it out loud! This is the best anniversary gift I could get!!!" Kuroo picked up Kenma spinning him around and smiled brightly. Kenma held on tight to Kuroo as he was spun around. He was really happy to have Kuroo. He probably be depressed and alone without him. Only hinata to help him through this time but hinata was also dating kageyama at the time.

Kuroo and kenma got home. They started to make out but then Kuroo had a phone call. Normally he would leave it but he left and answred it. Kenma wrapped himself in a blanket and listen through the bathroom door.
"Yes that sound amazing~  I'll meet you 8:00pm tomorrow?" Kuroo spoke on the phone to another person. Kenma knew the voice but he couldn't tell who it was. Kenma heard the door open a little and kenma quickly ran on the bed curled up sitting there for Kuroo. His stomach was sunk and he didn't really wanna ask who was on the phone nor did he actually wanna kiss him anymore.
"So where did we leave off?" Kuroo removed his shirt and smirked.
"I'm too tired." Kenma mumbled and kuroo frowned nodded but still tackled him in a hug.
"Then we'll just cuddle. Also I have plans with an old friend tomorrow so don't wait up for me. I'll be home late" Kuroo seem happy about this plan and kenma just nodded. He knew he was gonna have to sneak out.
"Goodnight Kuroo" Kenma said before they both drifted off to sleep.

~the next morning~
Kuroo was dressed and ready for the day. Kenma got dressed as well more just a hoodie and sweat pants. Kuroo kissed Kenma head and watched movies with him till 7:40pm. He then got up and walked to the door.
"Well I'll be going love!" Kuroo waved and walked out. Though Kenma just waved. He sneak out the back door following Kuroo. He seem not be taking the car and just walked off. It felt like hours they were working even if it was only 10 minutes. Kuroo arrived 5 minutes late when he got to the person he was meeting.
Kenma eyes widen as Kuroo saw Tsukki.

Kuroo hugged tuskki and then he kissed him. As he took out a small box with two golden rings. Kenma stood there watching them. They didn't hold hands, but why did Kuroo kiss him. Out of excitement. He couldn't. Kenma just started sobbing and ran home. Why was this gonna be late. Tsukki and kuroo kept walking away.
"He cheating on me..." Kenma mumbled and shook his head. Once home he sat in his bed and called hinata. All hinata heard was sobbing and sniffle so they ended up face timing.
Hinata eyes widen as he saw Kenma crying. He already knew but where was Kuroo.
"Kenma wh-"
"KUROO CHEATING ON ME" Kenma shouted as kageyama heard the shouting and popped on screen and frowned. He didn't do well with emotions so he only just gave hinata a thumbs up with a hot chocolate. Hinata sipped his hot chocolate.
"Go ahead and explain.." hinata smiled.
"I saw- I saw... Kuroo holding golden rings and k-k-k-kissing Tsukki..." Kenma cried again and tried to wipe his tears. Hinata eyes widen, he felt so bad for Kenma. They spent hours talking and crying about things. Then Kuroo came through the door shivering.

"Kenma I'm home!!" Kuroo shouted. He walked around the house not seeing Kenma. He then checked their room and hugged Kenma.
"Babe! Why are you crying?!" Kuroo frowned. Kenma didn't say a word but hinata did.
"How about you leave? You cheated on Kenma so get out and Leave him alone!" Hinata groaned. Kuroo eyes widen and he didn't think he cheated till he remembered he kissed Tsukki out of excitement.
"No you don't understand- The rings and everything are you!"
"FOR TSUKKI I KNOW THEY FOR HIM!" Kenma shouted. It scared hinata and kuroo. Kuroo took a step back and nodded.
"They were for you, but I guess we're done huh?" Kuroo threw the rings down.
"Just cause of one dumb misunderstanding..." Kuroo mumbled. Kenma eyes widen and went to grab Kuroo.
"N-No I forgive you please!!" Kenma cried out and looked at him. Kuroo just hugged him. He could feel the pain in him. He did cheat even if it wasn't meant to be that way. He rubbed his back.
"I'm sorry..." Kuroo mumbled. Hinat hung up to let them be, but Kenma and kuroo weren't gonna be the same anymore.. Kuroo thought about everything he did with Tsukki. He was a no good cheater after all...

(Shall I write a part 2??)

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