Jenna Hanning

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June 27; 13:28 PDT

"Where's Hal?!" Jenna Hanning questioned Alya Jordan, Spark, as they dodged the attacks of Yellow Lanterns. Jenna is the latest recruit of the Green Lantern Corps, being one of the youngest Lanterns ever, getting her ring at the young age of thirteen.

Jenna Hanning was a tanned skinned teen with dark brown hair and golden brown eyes, she had gotten the ring, during a Yellow Lantern invasion, and the Green Lantern Corps had come to Earth to assist in protecting the planet, when a Lantern was killed and the ring had found they're way to Jenna Hanning who was helping to get people inside away from the battle that was happening in the skies. Due to the new Lantern's young age, the Guardians thought it would be fit for the young human to complete her training on Earth with the greatest Green Lantern, Hal Jordan; who was already used to taking in young proteges.

"He's fighting Sinestro!" Spark exclaimed as she throws more lightning at the aliens. Spark then turns into pure electricity and surrounds the Lantern known as Romat-Ru, shocking him.

When she was told that Jenna would be Hal's new protege, it was only months after Marie had left, and it didn't sit well with her that Hal had gone and gotten a new protege so quickly after his first one had left. Spark also felt like it was such a rip-off, Hal was supposed to finally be her's, be her mentor and teach her how to be the hero she was meant to be. But here comes in this new girl, a Green Lantern like him. She felt like Hal was not only replacing Marie but her as well. And on top of everything, Jenna Hanning was a name she recognized, Jenna was a famous YouTuber, a singer, and dancer, who got famous off of posting videos of her singing cover and original songs, along with the occasional dance video to the internet. Spark believes that this girl didn't deserve a Green Lantern ring, that she was going to be a stuck-up Prima Donna. But she was quickly proven wrong, Jenna wasn't the stuck-up pop-star she thought she was. Jenna was a true and fearless Green Lantern, who easily became one of Alya's closest friends. And Jenna being on Earth, made it so that Hal wasn't called to Oa every ten seconds, as the Guardian had given Jenna as his responsibility. So when Hal was training Jenna, he was training Alya at the same time. When he had missions with Jenna, he would take Spark as well.

"Of course!" Jenna shouted, as she creates several large missiles and fires them at the multiple. Spark reappeared, the two teens were surrounded by Yellow Lanterns, the girls were back to back with Jenna shielding them from the blasts of the yellow rings. "He gets to fight the one main bad guy, and we get all the henchman, who has the same power as the evil leader. How is that fair?"

"Nothing is fair in this line of work," Spark told her, as she holds at her hands, her eyes turning from green to blue, as clouds rolling in darkening the sky. Lightning cackles and thunders boom, lightning pours from the sky, striking the several Yellow Lanterns. And like flies, they start to drop from being hit the lightning. Spark's eyes flicker back to green and she slightly wavers, but Jenna thinks quickly and creates a platform below the two of them.

"Wow." Jenna looks around impressed. "And people call you a knocked off Black Lightning. I want to see him do that." Jenna paused for a moment. "Also when could you do that?"

"I was reading a book I picked from one of our many trips to Uni, had said that it was something that both the wind and lightning crystals could both do together, and now that I did it, I know why they said together because that is draining," Spark answered her, as she holds onto Jenna for support weakly. "I think you should start containing those Yellow Lanterns before they start to wake up."

"Oh right!" Jenna's eyes widen, as she holds out her ring hand in front of her towards the knocked out Sinestro Corps, a green hand-formed and reached out pulling off their rings before a green bubble surrounds them. As she did this, Jenna started to lower herself and Spark onto a building, as it grew harder to create the bubbles and keep the platform beneath Spark.

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