You Know This Is Child Labor

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October 12; 08:12 PDT

Jenna in her Green Lantern uniform met Hal in the air above the city. Jenna looked around to see that it was just him, "No Al or Mar?"

"Yeah, they both have other things to worry about. Alya has a school it's Friday, not everyone can do it whenever they want Ms. Youtuber, and Marie is having a girls' day with Zatanna and Annabelle. Though she did she had something with Nightwing but she told me that she might skip out on it to see Jessica." Hal explains, "Sorry kid, but it's just us."

"No need to be sorry!" Jenna cheers with a grin. "That's means we're going to be working with the rings! And I won't be getting my ass handed to me by Marie and/or Alya. I mean come on, their powers don't just die like ours why are they such better fighters?"

"Marie was trained to fight at a young age though don't tell her that I told you this, that training did little for her, and then when the team first started they were all trained by Black Canary." Hal told her, as they just floated above the city, "Alya... I have no idea why? Maybe it's because when she first got her powers, it was really Marie training her. And I guess she thought her a few fighting skills that I couldn't. Nightwing was also the leader of the Team at the time, he also trained the team at the time."

"No, wonder I suck at combat, Marie had Black Canary training her and Alya had Nightwing, and I have Ms. Martian as my leader, no offense to her but come on?" Jenna questioned. Hal shook his head with a smile, Jenna made a face before huffing. "So what's the plan for the day?"

"Well, I have a few things that I have to take care of. So we might not be able to train today." Hal said slowly, Jenna raised a brow at the man.

"Then why you call me in?"

"Well one of the things is doing some repairs to the outside of the Watchtower and it goes a lot faster with another Lantern's help. And since both Guy and John are off-world, you're the only other Lantern on Earth."

"You can't be serious?"


October 12; 12:08 EDT

"Urgh," Jenna groaned as she helps Hal replace parts of the Watchtower, using her ring to move large pieces of metal. "You know this is child labor."

"Says the child actor." Hal retorts, Jenna looks at Hal with wide eyes. "Yeah, Alya tells me things."

"God, she's such a hypocrite." Jenna mumbles, "And she has the audacity to tell me to stop telling you stuff."

"I quite like that you guys tell me things about the other, that they themselves won't." Hal shrugs with a smirk. "It keeps me updated on both your lives, I just don't understand why you don't just tell me yourself. What's so bad about me knowing that you got that role in the show?"

"I don't know, Al's excuse, but you and I don't really talk outside of training or saving the day." Jenna tells him truthfully, "And for good reason, no offense but people would raise brows at a forty-some-year-old and a fourteen-year-old who's not his daughter just hanging out. Remember that one time we went to get pizza in some other place other than my mama G's after training and Alya was on a mission with the Team, and my mama D's friend just so happened to be there."

"Yeah," Hal hissed at the memory. "That was awkward."

"Very." Jenna nods. "And anyway, what do you even want to talk about? My life's pretty boring despite it being very cool and awesome. I'm popular on Youtube, I got the lead in a TV show thanks to my friends. That's it."

"I like how you casually just talk about being famous." Hal chuckles as he finishes with the last part of the repairs. "You're like this, yeah I'm famous, it's boring."

"I'm not famous." Jenna rolled her eyes. "I can still walk down the street without being mobbed. You understand what being famous is, Green Lantern is famous. Jenna Hanning is not."

"Whatever you say." Hal mocked Jenna by rolling his eyes at her. "But you don't have to talk about your life, I just feel like I failed Alya and Marie by not being there for them when they first getting into being a hero, especially Marie. Even though I was there for her more, I wasn't there when it counted. And I allowed all the stress of being a hero to get on top of her, and I wasn't there to help. I just don't want to let any of that happen to you. I need to make sure I don't repeat all my mistakes with Alya and Marie again with you."

Jenna smiled sadly at the man. "Aw, Hal. But you don't need to worry about me; Alya and Marie have adding factors to their stress. It wasn't just being a hero that threw them way off. Marie had the whole from another universe thing and Alya... Alya is just a whole different mess of murders, aliens, and family drama.... Mother's side of the family drama. And at least in Alya's case, things would have ended a whole lot worst if you didn't step in. The only reason she was able to put Eleanor on the run was because of your training."

"Eleanor attacked when I was in space."

"She waited for you to leave," Jenna stressed, "Again I can't really speak for Marie, but Alya doesn't blame you for anything. No matter what she said as a kid, she truly appreciates all your training and being your protege. And I don't think the current mess-up state that Marie's in, is your fault. I think she got herself there in her own way. But she's doesn't have to get herself out on her own, she can use the help and support of her friends and family."

"She has that," Hal said.

"Does she?" Jenna gave Hal a face. "Because you're here, trying to fix something that isn't broken, and I'm not talking about the Watchtower because it's pretty broken. Hal, I'm currently not the protege that you need to talk to. That would be your daughter, Marie." Jenna sigh turning to the older Lantern. "I meant when I said, you shouldn't be blaming yourself for what's going on with Alya and Marie. But you shouldn't do anything to help them now. We're not cars Hal, two of us can't just break down, and you just be like I'm just going to take better care of the next one and not go to the mechanic to see what was wrong with the first two. I know that reference did not make any sense but just go with it."

"No, no, you're right." Hal shakes his head. "I will talk to Marie, see what's going on."

"While you're on it you should talk to Alya about showing her emotion more," Jenna added.

"Ha!" Hal laughed. "I've been trying to talk to her about since before she got her powers. I think what we got is the best we're ever going to get."

"Oh that's a bummer," Jenna grumbles. "So are we done?"

"Yes and no," Hal answers her. "We finished with repairing the Watchtower, but I still need to deliver the Fatherbox to S.T.A.R Labs. You don't have to come with me if you don't want, but it would be much appreciated."

"Sure why not." Jenna shrugs. "I like talking to you Jordans, it's like I'm your guys' personal family therapist."

Author's Note- Another Update, wow. I'm on a roll. Sorry for that. :) 

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