She Almost Blew Away Portland

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February 15; 09:43 EST

"Rydel!" Alya shouted as she appears suddenly in Rydel's apartment. Rydel instantly got up from her couch with a jump as she looks at Alya with wide eyes.

"Alya! I heard what happened with Marie?" Rydel rushed over to the couch and Alya. "Is everyone okay?"

"Luckily, no one was hurt or injured," Alya answered quickly. "But I haven't been able to find her. I've been looking for hours and nothing. I've called Dick, Zatanna, Artemis, M'gann, Uncle Jim, Gale, even my freaking Uncle Jack, and she doesn't even know where he lives! No one knows where she is."

"Alya, honey. You need to calm down." Rydel guided her boyfriend's daughter to the couch. "Marie's an adult and knows how to take care of herself."

"A portal opened, Rydel." Alya revealed to her, "Right over her head, and she didn't do anything. It was like she wanted to get sucked in. What if she already left to another universe? What if she went on her freaking multiverse trip to find her mother without saying goodbye? What if she was taken to whole another universe and she lost her memory again? What if I lose her forever. I can't do that." Alya began to breathe heavily as she spoke quickly. "Rydel, I've lost many people in my life, and I've pretended like I didn't care, but I don't know if I can pretend for Marie."

Rydel sighed as she took a seat next to Alya, "Alya, I understand that you're scared for Marie, and I'm sure everyone is searching for her."

"They're not." Alya shook her head. "They're too busy, working on a plan on saving Markovia from Brion's uncle who took the throne while the King is out of the country."

"Oh, that's right." Rydel exhaled, "I was called into the Watchtower for that."

"James and Jenna are still out there looking for her, and Ms. Martian said we could, but we have to be back for the mission, and after we save Markovia, we'll put everything into finding Marie. But she says there isn't much they can do that Marie left on her own, and if Marie doesn't want to be found, she'll make sure she isn't." Alya told her.

"Don't worry, okay." Rydel assured her, "You go on the mission. The League's banned from Markovia. I'm sure Aquaman will allow me to take some members to track Marie down, remember she's one of his oldest friends."

"It doesn't feel like it. It likes they don't care she almost blew away Portland."

"They do care, but in this job, we've learned to put our own emotions last and the want for the people's safety first," Rydel told her. "And right now, I'm sorry to say this, but there are people in danger, so Marie running away isn't the priority, maybe if she were minor, they would send a team, but she's not." Alya nods. Rydel smiled sadly at the girl. "I'm going to do everything in my power to find your sister."

"Thank you," Alya said. "Oh, and if you need more help, Sam, Aidan, and Dylan are also looking as well.

"Okay, but I'm going to see if Zatanna can do a location spell and see if the Flash can also help search," Rydel said. "No offense to you kiddies, but I think we'll be a little more effective in finding her."


Marie zoomed through the air with the wind blowing through her hair as she flies. Her chest felt like it was on fire as all her emotions raised out of her. She doesn't even remember what happened yesterday. All she remembers is thinking that she wanted to leave, and then she was floating under a portal with Alya with her. Marie wiped her eyes as she looks down at the city below her, the people with their families, their normal families.

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