I Need To Go

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February 18; 13:52 PST

Marie landed on her knee in the sand, {you know those cool superhero landing ;) }. Marie looked around the desert with tears in her eyes, nothing for miles. Marie felt her heart becoming heavier and heavier as time passes. Marie didn't know what to do, and she was panicking. It has been days since Valentine, and she knows what happened with Markovia and Geo-Force. She even knows what is happening with Lex Luthor and Conner. Marie has been staying low, going from motel to motel on the little money that she has.

Marie knew that it was a matter of time before the Team, Justice League, and Outsider will start looking for her after everything calms down. She knew that Alya was looking for her at that moment. But Marie knew that she couldn't go back, that she shouldn't have come back in the first place. Wotan was right all those years ago, she didn't belong on this Earth, and it was becoming more clear to her. Marie Jordan doesn't belong anywhere.

Marie collapsed to the ground with a loud sob as she brings her hands to her chest. "I just want all the pain to go away."



February 19; 18:12 EST

"An F3 tornado has been spotted in The Great Basin Desert in California," Oracle informs Phoenix, Spark, and the Green Lanterns, Hal (who has returned to Earth early in light of Marie's disappearance), and Jenna. "I'm thinking it's Spirit, due to how rare Tornadoes can be in deserts."

"Alya, don't leave yet," Hal ordered Spark, knowing that she was about to teleport without them. "We need to go together."

"I'll get there faster by teleporting." Spark pleaded, "I'll just slow us down if I fly. Just meet me there."

"Spark!" Hal shouted right before Spark disappeared in lightning.

"She's been doing that a lot lately," Phoenix patted Hal on the shoulder. "Come on, let's go bring your daughter back home."


Spark reappeared in the desert to hear Marie's loud sobs and screams over the sounds of the strong winds. Spark shielded her eyes from the blowing sand and looked at the tornado with wide eyes. It was much bigger than the one from Portland. Spark could see Marie on the ground, on her knees crying and screaming. Spark noticed that the tornado came from her, from her own power, not from the air around them.

"Marie?!" Spark slowly called out to her sister.

"Marie?" Marie heard her sister's voice call put to her. Marie was tempted to fly away right there, but something in her mind pushed her to turn her head at her sister. Marie could see the fear in Spark's eyes; the younger teen tried to move closer.

"Don't!" Marie choked out, causing Spark to stop in her track. "You need to leave me alone!"

"Why?!" Spark shouted, "I don't understand what happened! You were supposed to go to Metropolis to help Zatanna with Artemis, why didn't you!? What happened?!"

"Everything!" Marie screamed, standing up, the wind pushed out, and the twister's center expanded, pushing past Spark. Spark covers her face as sand hits her face. But she felt the calm air after a moment. Spark lowered her hands to see that she was inside of the tornado, "Okay! Everything is wrong! I don't know if you remember, your daughter said to us that Hal kills me in the future! Bart even told me three years ago that I leave this Earth! Wally's dead! Aqualad is Aquaman and is the leader of the Justice League, and Dick's dating Barbara. Hal is a great mentor to you and Jenna. I've been back for nine months, and I don't have a place here anymore! I felt that the moment I got back, but I pushed and tried, but nothing. You don't need me anymore, Hal doesn't need me, Dick doesn't need me, Gale doesn't need me, nobody needs me!"

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