What's That Supposed To Mean?

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September 13; 14:18 PDT

The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. The streets were calm, barely anyone in the roads, that cool afternoon, but suddenly there was a BOOM! A large, portal opened over the city. Larger than any portal that Marie's has ever seen. Hundreds of green ghosts and spirits flew out of the portal, and finally, a dark-haired kid flew out of the portal with an evil laugh.

"I am Lieve Garmadon! And you will bow to me." Her voice boomed through the city. Lieve looked almost like the older version of Laya, and she didn't look older than ten.

Marie, who was out with her father, and Laya looked up at the sky with wide eyes. Hal was about to get ready to fight, but Marie stopped. "What on earth." Marie turned to Laya who was pointing at the sky, "Laya please don't tell me that's your sissy."

"But that is my sissy," Laya tells her.

Marie groans, "Why? Must my kids have two evil grandfathers!"

"Are we going to fight your kid or do you got this?" Hal questioned Marie.

"I got this." Marie picks up Laya and hands her to Hal. "Just hold her."

Marie takes herself off the ground and up to where Lieve floated in the sky. Lieve looked at her mother with wide eyes, "Mommy?" The girl's voice was small and shy, she looked around with slight panic, "But, but you..."

"Please don't tell me anything." Marie sighed rubbing her nose. "I really don't want to know how you thought that coming here would make any sense. I'm also not going to ask how on earth you became evil because I hope under my watch that wouldn't happen. So I'm going to ask, can you stop it."

"Y-y-you want me to stop?" Lieve questioned the older woman. Lieve cleared her throat. "Well, no can do! I will not stop until you return my sister to me! So I can imprison her or something! And I enslave this world."

"Oh my--" Marie rubbed her hand against her face, as she looks at her daughter with misbelief. "Okay kid, I'm tired and you don't stand a chance. This whole thing with my kids from the future is kind of getting on my nerves, and to find out that I marry Lloyd. Lloyd of all people did I really not find anyone on this Earth. I don't even back together with Dick? Yeah, he's with Barbara, but seriously I don't get back together with him?"

Lieve flicker and faded in and out, she looked up at her mother with wide eyes. "Stop that!"

"Sorry!" Marie raised her hands in surrender. "Just Lloyd really?" Again Lieve faded, she screamed, Marie's eyes widen as Lieve becomes solid once again. "Sorry. Sorry. Ah, you see this is why you don't tell the past versions of your parents who they're going to marry, I think you should leave. Before anything else happens, maybe turn good while you at it."

"You can't tell me what to do!" Lieve then fades again. "Okay! I'm gone!" Lieve she commanded the ghost to retreat. The young girl turned to Marie with a glare. "I will be back, and you will ruin the day that you stood against me. Laya will come home, and face the punishment for her crimes."

"She's four!" Marie exclaimed as the portals shut behind the army of ghosts. Marie sighed before she lowers herself to where Hal was but when she got to where she left Hal and Laya there was no Laya to be found. "Hal, where's Laya!?'

"I don't know!"Hal looks around panicked. "I was holding one moment and the next she just disappears. It was like she never existed."

Marie's breath got caught her throat as her heart stops. "Shit!"


September 15; 18:42 EDT

Dylan and Alya sat with each other in the media center both of them were invested in what they were doing, Alya reading another alien text, though of the same language, while Dylan was on his laptop searching for any clues as to where his mother has gone. Sam walked up to the two with a scoff, both teens ignored their friend.

"Are you two serious?" Sam questioned the two geniuses. "This past week I've been letting it slide, but now it's just annoying. I'm bored. You two are boring."

"Go hang out with James and Aidan," Alya tells her without looking up from her book. "We're not holding you hostage."

"I already hang out with James and Aidan today. It's you're guys' turn, I'm trying to keep it fair, and even so it doesn't look like I'm choosing sides." Sam said, taking a seat down in front of the two cousins.

"There aren't any sides," Alya said as she turned a page. "James and I aren't on bad terms anymore. We already talked it out apologies were given, and forgiveness was received."

"I know that." Sam rolled her eyes. "But you two aren't back together yet, and when two people have feelings for each other but aren't together, it never ends well. Especially when both parties are short fuses."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alya's head snapped up from the text looking at her friend with a glare.

"You see what I mean." Sam gestures to Alya's upset state. "He said and did exact same thing." Alya blushed, and she sheepishly began reading again.

"I think that them breaking up is the best choice they could have done." Dylan jumped in.

"Of course you do." Sam scoffed. "Mr. Single and Alone."

"Hey, you're single and alone too."

"Yes, but I'm a hopeless romantic." Sam retorts, "But Dylan, I have a question, with all those unresolved feelings Alya has for James, what do you think she's going to do when she finds out that James has a date with Mindy Cartwright."

"He what?!" Alya exclaimed, the lights flicker and the bulb above them explodes. The three teens flinched at the pop!

"Woah," Sam looks around with awe, "That was a total lie! But that was way cooler than what James did when I told him that you had a date with both Austin and Dallas Jones." Alya and Dylan looked at the girl with disbelief. The lights stopped flickering as Alya calmed down. "But hey, at least we know that neither of you wants the others to start dating."

"You have a point." Dylan sighs, "But I still think that they shouldn't date."

"Well your opinion isn't valid," Sam tells him.

Alya sighs, "You know what, I'm next Saturday I'm hanging out with Bart and Jamie." Alya stands from the table grabbing her book. "They seemed to be my only best friends that don't care about my relationship with James."

"Aw, I'm your best friend!?"

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