So, We Can Put That Crazy Fruit Loop In Jail

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October 10; 17:12 EDT

Spirit stood atop of rooftop in D. C as she waits, she closes her eyes as she relives all the memories she had with her friends. She misses the days where she would fly to Central City, to hang out with Nightingale, Robin, and Kid Flash. She missed the days when she would beg Green Lantern to invite the Flash and Kid Flash over or Green Arrow and Nightingale. All she wants is to go back to when she was fifteen, yes, her relationship with Alya was rocking at that time, but Alya didn't hate her like she had the years before. Her friendships with Dick, Wally, Annabelle, and Jessica were at their strongest. Everyone was happy at that time, and now Marie was miserable.

"Spirit." Nightwing's voice pulled her out of her trance, causing her to look back to see her two best friends. Both heroes wearing a face of concern as they warily watched their friend walk towards them. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry," Spirit tells them. "I haven't been the best friend to the both of you, you especially Gale."

"What are you talking about? You've been one of the best since you got back." Nightwing said, "Even under the most awkward of circumstances."

"And yeah, you kind of ghosted me, but I wouldn't call you the worse." Nightingale laughed, crossing her arms. "It's not like you know faked the death of one friend and treachery of another friend, and dragged his other two friends into the lie."

"I thought we were over this?" Nightwing turned to Nightingale. "It's been two years."

"We are over it, but I'm just giving Spirit an example of what a bad friend is," Nightingale told him with a grin. "You see, if everyone can forgive Nightwing who clearly lived up to his name two years ago, we can totally forgive you for being a little ghosty."

"It isn't just that though." Marie sighs, "I shouldn't have left right after Wally died, it wasn't the time. I should have waited, I should have been here to mourn with you two. Be a friend, but I just added onto your loss. It only took me weeks to find my home universe, I should have been back within months, but I didn't want to come back, I was too scared too, and..." Marie looked down at her feet with a shaky exhale. "And I never told anyone this since I got back, but something happened after Eiram and I left. The Earth we landed in right before I got to Earth 190, we were attacked... by a woman. A woman wearing a Red Lantern ring. She killed Eiram before we could get to Earth 190, and I couldn't ID the woman, she wore a mask that covers her whole face, the only thing showing was her eyes."

"What?" Nightingale's eyes widen. "Why haven't you told Hal."

"Because the woman... was wearing my suit, she had my eyes," Spirit explained. "Until recently I thought the woman was me from another universe, multiple universes open the possibilities of multiple me, doppelgangers. But with my future kids popping out the sky, I'm starting to think that woman that killed Eiram was one of my daughters."

"Is that why you called us here?" Nightwing asked, "To tell us about the Red Lantern?"

"No," Spirit shook her head. "I'll call you here to make my peace, but also Alya told me that we should do something to relive the old days, so I also called you here, because of her." Spirit points down at a teenage girl entering a cafe across the street. "Her name is Veronica Brooks."

"Brooks?" Nightingale repeats, with a raised brow.

"She claims to be Dylan's sister; Alya's cousin," Spirit adds, as she crosses her arms. "Though she says that she was born Rosenberg, she reached out to Dylan telling him to meet her here today, of course, Dylan isn't just going to meet a stranger even if they claim to be his family."

"He shouldn't meet them even if they are his family." Nightingale scoffed. "The boy's family track isn't the best. His grandmother was the worse, and his mother killed two generations of families, and one of his best friends. And no offense to Alya, but she's no cupcake either."

"So why are we here?" Nightwing questioned, crossing his arms as he looked down at the building.

"She says that she has information on the whereabouts of Eleanor Brooks."Spirit reveals, "James and Alya are going to meet the girl instead of Dylan, but Alya wanted to be safe, if this girl really is the daughter of Eleanor we don't know if she inherited her Superman-like powers, unlike Dylan."

"So you asked your two non-meta friends as backup?" Nightingale raised a brow.

"You two hold your own against Superboy, you'll be fine." Spirit waves them off.


Down on the street, James and Alya were walking side by side. Alya turned her head looking up at the building across the street to see Spirit, Nightwing, and Nightingale standing atop of it. Alya and Spirit locked eyes, and Spirit gave her a nod signaling that everyone was safe for her to enter. Alya turned back to James and the two of them enter the cafe. Veronica Brooks looked just her brother, with dark hair, fair skin. Her features were cut and sharp, the only thing that was different between the two siblings was their eyes, while Dylan took after their mother in their cold icy blue eyes. Veronica had their father's green eyes, the one she shared with Alya.

"Hello, cousin." Veronica greeted with a smirk, as Alya and James reached her table. "I had a feeling that my brother would send you two. My mother always said that Dylan was the more fearful of the two of us."

"So you knew Eleanor?" Alya asked as she took a seat across from her cousin. "She visited you, and she told you about Dylan."

"Why didn't she tell Dylan about you?"James finished, crossing his arms. He pulled up a chair from one of the neighboring tables.

"Because she knew one day that Dylan was going to take after our father in more ways than one, she didn't want our father to corrupt her perfect daughter more than it already did." Veronica spat glaring at the two. "He ruined me, by passing on his features onto to me."

"You do know that hair dye exist right?" James raised a brow at the younger girl, before muttering to himself.

"Anyway, we're not here to discuss your childhood." Alya shook her head. "You said you know where Eleanor is, tell us. So, we can put that crazy fruit loop in jail."

"I said I would tell my brother, not two heroes."

"What?" James' eyes widen, that's wasn't possible, he could understand if she figured out Alya because she out there in the open with her power being Spark, even though she wore a mask, but James, he hasn't been out in the open with his powers, he only uses his power on covert missions with the team, yeah Phoenix trained him, but he didn't go public as her protege or anything.

"Eleanor told me more than just about Dylan," Veronica smirked. "I'll be careful about showing off your crystals, aliens aren't the only ones who know about the Warriors of Uni."

Author's Note- Sorry for the short character :( 

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