You Failed!

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December 14; 09:12 PST

"Are you sure you three want to go back now?" Marie questioned the three kids as she, Cameron, Ari, and Asher stand the field. Marie returned home last night, and she didn't tell them what really happened; all she said is that she needed to clear her head and get fresh air for the moment. Marie didn't need or want Alya and Annabelle worrying about her. "We can help you."

Asher shook his head, "This our fight. Not yours."

"Though all our problems are your fault," Cameron told her with crossed arms.

"Sorry I died." Marie raised her brow at the teen. "And gave birth to a kid that turned into a murderer."

Cameron narrowed his eyes at his aunt. "Let's just go."

Marie pursed her lips as she holds up her hand and opens a portal in front of them. Cameron thanked Marie and walked through the portal without hesitation. Ari quickly hugged her aunt and followed her brother into the portal. Asher hugged his mom tight before pulling away.

"The future isn't set in stone," Asher told her sadly. "You have the power to make everything right. Quitting isn't a bad thing."

Marie looked down, "I tried quitting. It isn't for me. But..." Marie sighed. "I won't go looking for trouble."

"Don't be scared to choose," Asher said. "You're only hurting your family and yourself by splitting your time between each world. And I maybe erasing myself from existence by saying this, but pick the world that you know is your home, even if it's going to kill you. Know the difference between belonging and being loved."

"Is Hal really evil?" Marie questioned the boy. "Is he just playing all of us?"

"No." Asher shook his head. "From what Alya told us..." Asher sighed and closed his eyes as he tries to think of a way to tell her without changing the past. "You were gone in Ninjago, She was becoming successful in D.C., and Jenna was becoming her own Green Lantern getting sent on missions without him, and then he had the worst day of his life, and he just snapped. It just takes one bad day to make a bad guy."

Marie nods, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm going to make everything right, I promise."

Asher nods before he walks through the portal. Marie closes the portal right after he leaves. Marie then pulls out her phone and pulls up a photo of her and Hal when she was twelve. Her heart clenched as more tears fall down her face.

"I'm sorry." Marie looked up to where the portal once was. "I'm going to make this right. I'm staying home."


December 16; 12:59 EST

"That has to be the most selfish thing I have ever heard," Annabelle exclaimed after Marie had told her, Jenna and Alya plan to stay on Earth 16 to save the future from Laya. "And I worked with teenagers for the past four years. Most of them being entitled, rich white kids."

"What?" Marie was taken back by Annabelle's reaction. "How is this selfish. And aren't you a rich white kid?"

"It is kind of selfish," Alya agrees. "You're running away from you're future and your kids."

"They're not my kids yet." Marie snaps.

"I think you feel guilty," Jenna tells her with a shrug. "From what you told us that Asher told you that you being gone and that 'bad day' that Hal had is what made him evil. And then the reason you're kid turned bad was because you were gone. You can't solve everything. You being here may not even change that bad day. Hey, you don't know if those kids, even though Asher's older than me, changed it. You don't even know if the future that those kids came from will be our future anymore. That why even though they say I'm going to marry some guy named Kyle Rayner, I still asked out Bart."

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