I Mean I'm Not Mad Either

45 1 0

August 06; 00:41 ECT

After a while in the air, Jenna had changed into her Green Lantern uniform, first not wanting to reveal her secret identity, second they were no way she wasn't going into the League of Shadows headquarter without being fully powered. Green Lantern made sure that her suit was the dimmest that she could make it, to make sure they were not spotted.

"Super-cycle, take us down," Halo ordered the super-cycle, the cycle responds with a beep.

"Quietly," Brion added, and the super-cycle makes a softer beep, as it lowers them down to the sand below. Green Lantern flies out of the super-cycle while Forager, Halo, and Brion jump down. Super-cycle folds back into sphere as the four teens begin to walk along the sand.

"I would see we need to go there," Brion said, as they look at the building towering over the trees.

"Uh, that's seems far." Green Lantern groaned. "I'm so glad I can fly. But Hal also said not to waste my charge flying when I don't have to." Green Lantern placed her hand to her chin as she thinks about it. "Mhm. Decisions, decisions."

"We're on a mission." Halo said as they reach the area that the buildings stood, "A rescue mission, correct?"

"Yes, of course, but Halo, please--"

"And that's my mission. Halo." She cuts off Brion, as he answers her. Green Lantern looked at this girl with a raised brow, did she not understand that they had to be quiet. "I like it, but I think I need a secret identity name, too." The four of them began to walk upstairs, as Halo kept talking. "Like how Artemis is Tigress on a mission, but Artemis at home."

"Forager is Forager," Forager told her.

"Alright, but at home, I'll think I'll be Violet." Halo said, "It's what you called me, Brion."

"What? When?" Brion looked at her confused.

"You don't remember?" Halo questioned him. Green Lantern made a face at them, did they really not understand that they had to be quiet if they weren't going to get caught.

"Violet..." Brion said annoyed.

"No, I'm Violet at home." Halo corrected. "Here, I'm Halo."

"Fine. Halo." Brion corrected himself as they reach the top of the steps. "Something's not right." Green Lantern looked around the area, she didn't see anything out of place, it was quiet, but what she did except from an island full of ninja. "Grayson said this was an entire island of assassins. But there's no one... here." But as he says that, they see a man sitting in a kind of meditation area.

"Human is here," Forager said, as they get in fighting positions.

"Oh... hello there." Green Lantern waved awkwardly, before whispering under her breath. "We're so going to die."

"Hush, children." The man told them, Green Lantern clenched her right hand where her ring stood. "I am trying to meditate."

"And I want to find my sister!" Brion exclaimed. Green Lantern looked over at the Prince, wait did he just accept that they were going to waltz right in and demand the release of Tara? Are they insane?

"Then your search has gone astray, Brion Markov." The man told the Prince.

"You know who I am," Brion asked.

"Who doesn't know of the foolish and impatient prince banished from his kingdom on live television?" The man spoke, and Brion started to smoke with anger. "You seek the missing princess but will not find her here."

"Is this Infinity Island or not?" Brion questioned.

"Uh, bro, I think you need to chill a little." Green Lantern said in a whisper to Brion.

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