Cupid's Arrow - 02.

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I should take a moment to say that the books mentioned in here will be real and fictional. That is, for example, Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson is a real fictional book while The Tales of Garrett: Becoming a Pop Star is a fictional fictional book which is based off of my wild imagination, if you get it. Lol.

Happy reading! <3


I placed my copy of Since You've Been Gone neatly in my backpack and zipped it shut. I slung it over my shoulder and checked myself out in the mirror. I wore a purple sweater and blue jeans, and then paired them with my favourite set of Jordans. I used a brush to make my hair look somewhat presentable and smiled, grabbing my phone and putting it in my jeans pocket.

Evan had texted me and told me that he was waiting outside exactly seven minutes ago. I felt bad that I had to keep him waiting for that long, but a lady had to take her time.

I rushed down the stairs, took a quick detour to the kitchen, grabbed a muffin that would serve as my breakfast and headed out the door. Emily was already waiting outside by Evan's car door when I arrived. Neither of them seemed to mind though. They were in a very deep conversation and I didn't want to interrupt. I liked it when he got along with my family; even if my father didn't exactly approve of him.

It didn't take long for the two of them to notice me. They broke their conversation and Emily got in the back seat, motioning for me to hurry up. Evan pulled me to him and gave me a bear hug. It felt refreshing when he first t

"Are you ready yet? Or do we have to give you another ten minutes?" He teased, opening the passenger's side of the car for me.

I grinned cheekily at Evan. "It was actually nine," I pointed out and I could see Emily roll her eyes as I got in. "But sure."

"Nine . . . ten, same thing. How about we stop flirting and we get in the car, huh?" She gave the both of us a not-so-sweet smile.

Nodding, Evan jogged over to the driver's seat and took his place, starting off the engine and then driving off. The trees zoomed by us and then stopped occasionally when traffic caught up to us. We were at a red light when Evan brought up the talk of clubs and committees and Jackson High.

"Well, I joined the journalism club this year," I said, optimistically. "I think it'll be a good thing for me to do. I can imagine myself interviewing celebrities like Shawn Mendes and Katy Perry and—"

Emily snickered, covering her lips with her palm. "Sorry Sam, but that club's kind of geeky. Don't you want to join something else? Like the Jackson High's Dance Team for example? I hear that club is lit. And it builds up your fame."

I had to turn around to give her one of my looks. "Em, I have zero body coordination. And I don't like attention, the journalism club will do just fine, thank you."

Emily rose her hands up in surrender. "Sorry, just saying it'd be nice to have a popular sister that has guys dropping down to their knees for her. I need drama, just like you need to get over your social anxiety."

"I don't need guys dropping at my girl's feet."

If it were any other person that said this, I would've been upset. Mad, even. It wasn't like this didn't upset me, but I was used to it. This was a usual conversation between Emily and I, though our talks had come to a halt until she brought this up.

It still didn't mean that I wasn't upset.

Evan gave her a small glare, as if telling her to keep quiet. Then he immediately turned around as a car hooked behind us and started driving again.

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