Cupid's Arrow - 04.

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I was left to clean the ashes of our plant on my own after she'd left. Sophie had told me of the guys she would've had as her rebound, and I approved of two. The rest of them looked like they all had criminal records. People at Jackson High took every day to be a costume party. They dressed weird like that at the time; it got to a point where I was so worried that no one informed me about the new trends. Turned out, it was just my head and it was supposedly normal to dress like that.

While I was in the middle of sweeping the burnt up leaves from the floor, Evan had swooped by claiming we didn't spend enough time with each other that day. It made my heart skip a beat. It was unusual for a guy like Evan to show that much care, but he did. And I was happy. I told Evan that if he was going to stay, then he would have to help with leaves and the tarp. Sophie had taken her chemicals to her house, so that was taken care of. Evan didn't seem to mind. In fact, he'd done more work than I did.

The only disadvantage was that now I wouldn't be able to focus on my homework.

When we'd decided that we did a fair job at cleaning, Evan pulled me to the couch so that he was lying down on my lap. I ran a swift, eager hand through his soft hair as he spoke. "I think you look cute with your glasses, don't take them off. Ever." He said, reaching up to adjust my glasses. I didn't even realize I still had them on, but now that he'd mentioned it, I was hyperaware of it.

"Thank you." I tilted my head to the side, smiling at him. "You know you look cute with your freckles. Don't ever use makeup to hide them. Okay?" I returned his compliment. I could tell he was shocked that I noticed. He probably had the idea that I wouldn't notice his freckles were gone. If I spent my time counting all fourteen of them, then why wouldn't I notice that they were all gone? He needed to ask himself that. I chuckled, noticing just how frazzled he looked. I even tapped him on the nose for special effect. He had blush creeping on his cheek, causing both his cheeks to turn crimson. And his ear.

"It was my sister." He defended quickly, looking like he'd been caught red-handed. "You know I wouldn't hide my freckles knowing you loved them. She smeared the makeup on my face and I couldn't protest." I knew him too well. His freckles were his biggest insecurity. I thought they made him look cute – and so did Jasmine, and Alicia too (she was a friend from English class). I'd tried to tell him that I wished I had freckles and two dimples like he did, and smooth soft hair, but he wouldn't listen. He would say I was for sure better than him.

"Your sister is five years old. She still doesn't know what makeup is. You can't lie to me, I know your tells. You blinked exactly two times and your eyebrows shot up. What's going on here, Evan? I'm usually the one who sucks at lying. I need to defend my title." I joked around, messing with his hair a little. He cracked a small smile and seized my hand, raising a challenging brow. Within the span of four seconds (I counted), I was beneath him and he was above me. I forgot how to breathe.

"Sam..." he trailed off, caressing my cheek while I struggled to be free. "Stop," he laughed. "Today is our anniversary, did you get anything for me?" he asked, teasingly. I ignored his words and still attempted to roll under him. His grip was strong and it was killing me. He rested his weight on top of me and laughed at my futile attempts, he was on me, yes, but he didn't put as much weight that it would crush me. Eventually, I sighed, giving up.

"Anniversary of three weeks? I don't know if I did. It'll be a surprise." I told him.

"I got a gift for you though," he said, frowning. He adjusted himself above me and pouted afterwards. Somehow, I didn't believe him.

"Oh yeah? Well, what is it?" I asked him, teasingly. He smirked and leaned in, pressing his lips against mine in a swift kiss that took my breath away. He pulled away after I kissed him back.

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