Cupid's Arrow - 15 Pt.3

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"Okay everyone, we've seen that you've all voted and it is now time to close the polls." I watched in terror as Evan and Logan shared a look on stage. "The results will be called out and we will have our winners soon enough, just you wait. That's all the info for now, so please welcome Evan and Logan Coleman to perform everyone's all-time favorite – okay, not everyone – song, Perfect by Ed Sheeran."

No. They were doing this on purpose. They were trying to woo us. Evan sat with his guitar while Logan sat down with nothing. He would probably be the one singing. Or maybe he and Evan would sing together. Oh my God, they would be singing together. They really did know their stuff.

I decided I was going to need a drink. I walked over to the food table and asked the girl in charge of it for a sprite. She gave me one with a fake smile and went on to attend to the other people over there. Andrea had the same idea.

She asked the girl for a shot of whiskey and she obliged, handing her over the shot cup. She gulped down the whole thing and placed the cup down, smiling at the lady, and then she turned to me. "Hey."

"Hi." I responded shyly, hearing Evan joke around with the crowd. "Nice clothes."

"You too. I read your article, it was fantastic. I guarantee you it will be the talk of the town until the dance is over." I wanted to tell her that it was already old news, but I kept quiet instead. "So, did you have any part in this? This whole dance thing? Your sister organized and planned this, right?"

"Right, but I really didn't have a part in this. What about you? Did you have part in that?" I pointed over to the boys. She shook her head immediately.

"That's what I came to ask you actually. It looks like it's all them." I nodded and returned my attention to the boys.

"So," Logan started. "This is dedicated to two special ladies. One that I've been trying to get to for years and one that he's done wrong."

"To Samantha Harper and Andrea Marshall."

I could've buried myself in my blush right there and then.


One could say that by the end of their performance, they'd managed to get every girl present swooning and it included Andrea and I. The only thing that I could hear going around me was "They're so romantic!" or "I want him to be mine" or "I wish my boyfriend would do that for me" or "why do they get them?" or "If I do that for my girlfriend she'll do whatever I want!" or "I'm going to do that for my crush, she'll like me then!" or "ugh, they're too romantic. Who likes sappy guys?" And that last one belonged to Andrew the captain of the mathletes. A few of the girls around him came for him after that.

They finished off the song on an impressive note. Everyone started clapping and hollering and a few people even nudged me and asked me to forgive him. Even Andrea started clapping and cheering the guys on. I was too busy thinking about how their voices complimented each other's so well and how neither of them thought to tell me that they were musical geniuses. I tilted my head to the side and smiled, just a little. I had the feeling that Evan wasn't really performing. He was singing to a special someone (which sounded a lot like something he would say).

"Thank you, everyone." Logan cheered, grabbing Evan by the arm. They talked a little before Logan left Evan on stage. I nudged Andrea and hoped she got the message to go over to Logan. She gave me a brief smile and walked over to the stage. My eyes followed her until she was lost in the crowd. Evan talked to Emily for a moment and Emily looked like she was about to punch him from where I was.

I felt a nudge on my shoulder and looked over to see Jasmine winking at me. "You have a real keeper right there. If you don't take him, I'll give him to Sophie."

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