Cupid's Arrow - 07.

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The next day, I met with Logan during lunch time since that was the only free time we had to really discuss anything. I'd spent my time the night before drafting out the questions that I would ask the Wolves and the Tigers. I had separate, yet similar questions for each team. I made sure it was based on their status and pride, just so they would be willing to supply me with answers. Hopefully, they'd give accurate ones.

Logan was sat at my usual table by the time I had arrived. I rolled my eyes as he waved over to me, giving me a cheeky smile. No one sat at that lunch table apart from me, Evan, and on occasion, Sophie when Evan was with me. It took me time to realize Evan and Logan would be at the same table as I would be today. It would be awkward at lunch.

I walked up to Logan and took my seat on the opposite side of him. I took my bag and took out my brown bag that had my lunch in it. It was a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich, something I hadn't had in quite a while. Logan had his lunch tray with a bunch of fries and a few nuggets. I had to admit, I was tempted to reach out and stuff a handful of fries in my mouth, and maybe a nugget. But we weren't on that level – at least not yet.

"Did you know I'm a huge fan of PB and J?" Logan asked, tossing one fry in his mouth and munching it slowly as if to taunt me. He swallowed and then took a huge chug out of his bottle of water.

I shook my head in response. I barely knew anything about Logan and he expected me to know he was a fan of my lunch? Well, I guess I could just start with the basic knowledge. Like his favorite food, singer, movie, anime, and stuff like that in general. "Did you know that I'm a fan of fries and chicken nuggets?" I asked him.

"It's a bummer. We should switch next time," he suggested. My parents wouldn't approve of that. They would say I didn't appreciate the time and effort they put into providing my sister and I with food, even if I bought the groceries with my money. "I'm just kidding." He quickly said. "I mean a sandwich over fries? Hell no! It would be like choosing to eat raw eggs over fried chicken. A whole fried chicken." I nodded; taking note of the fact that he was a chicken person.

"True." I responded, taking a bite out of my sandwich.

I felt a thigh come in contact with my own, and I knew just then it was Evan. I smiled at my boyfriend who now wore a plain, unbothered expression, contrary to when he'd picked me up from home. There was something going on between the two cousins; I just didn't know what. I wasn't even sure if I needed to know. As long as it didn't come in between my relationship with Evan, I was okay.

"Why did you guys stop talking as soon as I arrived?" He questioned, and I would have answered if he didn't make it clear by looking Logan in the eye that the question was meant for me, not him. I stayed quiet and silently ate my sandwich as Logan stared at his cousin with a fine smirk.

"We finished our conversation," he said, giving a light chuckle as he took a fistful of fries into his mouth. He chewed and then swallowed. "You just missed out on the whole thing." There was something about the way he said it. I noticed the change in Logan's whole appearance once Evan arrived. Was it always this way?

Evan turned to me and raised an eyebrow, indicating that he was waiting for answer. It wouldn't look good if he heard the news from Logan first and not me, so I spoke up before Logan had the chance to speak. "He's the person who I got paired with for the journalism club. I thought it would be nice if you knew, and saw him, too. Is there any problem?"

I knew when Evan was lying to me. He would first start contemplating about it, and then his shoulders would slouch a bit. These were his exact actions respectively as he supplied me with an answer. "No. I'm glad you're going to spend time with one of my family members. Maybe soon enough you'll meet my parents."

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