Cupid's Arrow - 09.

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I silently cursed in my head as Logan and Ethan walked out of the room. Sighing, I tossed my bag over my shoulder and held my blinder in my arms. I was going to have to cancel my plans with Evan. We could always go on a date to Blue Daisies anyway; it wasn't like today was the only chance we had forever. I just hoped he hadn't made plans before asking me.

I walked over to Evan and visibly gulped, guilt settling in my stomach. I was going to cancel the plans we'd just made. I tapped him on the shoulder and smiled at his friends. Friends that I didn't wish to talk to.

"Hey Sam," One of his friends called out to me. "Noticed you were out talking with Logan and Ethan, got something you'd like to let our home boy know?" I blinked. Once. Twice. I shook my head and gave him the stink eye.

"I did talk to them. You saw right. However I can't help but feel like you're implying something that I'm really not a fan of. To avoid misunderstanding, I'd like you to shut up." There was the sudden urge to knee him where it would hurt. "Evan, please, can I speak with you?" I had to admit I was a little thrown off when Evan didn't come to my defense. I had to do defend myself on my own while Evan just stood there watching our whole conversation.

"Being defensive doesn't look good on you. I still wonder why Evan went for you instead of Tasha. She's got all the assets." His words stung but I didn't let it show. He had a point there, I wasn't going to lie. "It's a shame."

"Say one more bad thing about my girlfriend, and I we'll fight right here and now. You wonder why I went for her instead of Tasha? Look at her, look at Tasha. Tasha's beautiful, yes. But I fell in love with Sam, you wouldn't get it. And the rest of you, you're going stand there and watch as he bad-mouths Sam? Some friends you are." Evan's friend shut up after that. Evan took his bag and dragged to the door.

"I'm sorry, Ryland's an idiot. Don't pay attention to what he says; I'd pick you over Tasha any day." Would he really though? "What did you want to tell me?" He asked, running a hand through his hair.

"I . . . I need to cancel our plans to go to Blue Daisies." Evan's face dropped a little. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and waited for me to continue. "It's for my journalism thing. I already made plans with Logan to go to The Pub so we could interview the Wolves tonight. It slipped my mind, I'm sorry."

"You already made plans with Logan to go to The Pub?" That seemed to be only thing he'd picked up.

"You promised you'd stop."

"And I have. You're underage; you can't go to The Pub."

"And so is Logan. Heck, even the rest of the Wolves. Logan says he has everything under control. I'm not on board with this either."

"Fine, just promise me you won't drink."


I speed-walked out of the classroom and waved goodbye to Evan who only gave me a questioning look, but he waved back. I was in a hurry. I found Emily in the parking lot with all her friends surrounding her and gestured for her to come over. We were leaving now. I had to make sure I had everything ready to go to The Pub; I also needed fashion advice from her side. She was good at things like this.

She rounded up her conversation with her girlfriends and moved over to me, her back slouched a little. She tossed her hair to the side and looked at me. "What? You don't see that I'm in the middle of telling my friends about Matt?" She wasn't mad; she was more of mocking herself.

"I do not see, and don't want to either. We need to leave." I took out my car keys from a compartment in my bag and zipped it up. I twirled the keys on my finger and awaited her response.

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