Cupid's Arrow - 15 Pt. 2

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When we got to the auditorium (the venue of the dance), my respect for Emily hit the bars. My eyes wondered about and I desperately tried to find one flaw. It was just how I was. People were probably wondering the same thing I was; a sophomore organized all of this and even managed to get a chocolate fountain. Emily must've put in a lot of effort to make this all be real. I mean, she actually did put in the giant Cupid . . . cut out? Anyway, she managed to put it in the center of the stage.

Logan and I walked over to the food table to check out what my sister had available. I'd ditched searching for flaws and just decided to check out the setting. I noticed every Cupid had a bow and arrow in hand, including Logan who was still beside me. My eyes involuntarily went over to the fruit punch and my tongue watered. Dang it, I forgot about my cravings. Logan went over to the chocolate fountain while I stood in front of the punch. I leaned over to see the variety of heart-shaped cookies and different drinks, including alcohol.

I found myself admiring the balloons and stars that decorated the room, and the lighting sort of gave it midnight vibe. It was perfect.

I made a mental note to commend my sister for this later. And also, I needed to stop under-estimating her. She clearly deserved a lot better than that.

An ear-piercing sound was heard followed by laughter. It belonged to my sister, I could tell. "I'm sorry; I just wanted to get everyone's attention. So, everyone, I wish you all a very lovely Valentine's Day!" The crowd cheered and hollered and clapped. "Okay, okay, now. The voting polls are still up so you can vote for your favorite couples, best Cupid and a brand new category, your favorite pair! You can now vote for the people you think would make a good couple. Maybe the Valentine spirit will bring them together, you never know. So grab your phones and get your thumbs to work. Happy voting everyone!"

As if on cue, everyone was on their phones within seconds, including me. I hadn't voted at all and I really needed to. I skipped voting for the best couple because I was afraid I would see Evan and I as nominees. I just wasn't in the mood. I went over to the Best Cupid and was upset to see that Logan wasn't nominated (I couldn't blame the people in charge of the website, to be honest), but I did see Jasmine, so I hit her picture. For the favorite pair, I scrolled until I found a pair that really made sense to me.

Logan and Andrea.

Yes, Andrea was part of a fake dance group and Logan didn't seem like her type at all, it was obvious Andrea had a huge crush on him (the flirting at the cafeteria kind of gave it away, she was much nicer when she flirted with him than any of the other guys). Logan had mentioned he wanted to impress someone tonight, and it was probably her. I'd noticed the way he'd stare at her during lunch and even the way they acted when we'd negotiated to have the interview The Pub.

I clicked on their picture that was photoshopped together (wow, Logan had really nice teeth) and then I clicked finish. I smiled cheekily at Logan to which he just offered a small nervous wave. He looked away almost instantly and I continued to smile, putting my phone in my purse.

Suddenly, there was a squeal from behind me. My hand flew to my right ear to make sure it was still working. I didn't know how that would work, but I just rubbed it for assurance. Jasmine stood behind me with a smile that would've been mistaken for the murderous kind if it wasn't Jasmine wearing it.

"Oh my God, Sam, you look amazing!" She gushed. She stood before me in a gold silk dress that stopped just below her knees. She had natural makeup on and her hair was the usual, just a little bit more elegant. Her white sparkling heels just spoke for her. "You look like those Hollywood stars."

"That's what I thought." I told her. "And you look stunning, too. You're the only one I know that can pull off this look. If I tried this I would look like a . . . pretend I'm saying a word that degrades me, I can't think of anything right now."

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