Cupid's Arrow - 11.

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Evan and I walked through the school hallway talking about Valentine's. Word had gotten around the school that we would each be assigned Cupids that would help you score your dream date to the dance (single or not) – so basically, people signed up to be wingmen free of charge. There was a crowd of people at the main entrance; I could make out a few of their words. It went along the lines of "Yes! I got Gavin as my Cupid!" or "Ugh, Andrew is my Cupid!" I was surprised that no one had come to my sister to bribe her for a change of Cupid.

Evan nodded over to where yet another crowd of people stood, right in front of the notice board as they hustled to read whatever was written on there. My guess was that that was where the list of students and their assigned Cupids were. I tugged at his arm and pulled him towards the crowd, though he'd protested and suggested we wait until it was less crowded. I'd ignored his protest and pushed through the crowd of people, still clutching to his hand. Once I finally got to the front, I used my finger to scroll through the list until I reached Evan's name. It said: Evan Coleman – Arianna Jacobs. I scrunched up my nose. Said Arianna squealed from beside me and continued to ogle my boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and continued to scroll through until I stopped at my name. Samantha Harper – Logan Coleman was what it read.

I blinked three good times before checking it again. Before I could complain to my sister who was standing just a few feet away from the crowd, talking to one of her random friends, I was pulled out of the crowd by Evan. Evan grabbed me by the waist and led me further out of there.

"I'm sorry; I didn't like the looks Arianna gave me. They made uncomfortable so I had to leave." He explained to me. "Can we go to a class? She's still looking at me like I'm a piece of meat that she's just cooked." I turned around to confirm if what he said was true, and sure enough, this girl was still eye-raping my boyfriend. It took everything in me to not glare at her or even walk up there and give her a piece of my mind. A girl should know better than to go after someone who is in a relationship.

"We can." I answered back, nodding firmly. He led me to room 201 where we took our seats together for Lit English class. I drummed my feet against the table and waited for Evan to speak. It was obvious he wanted to talk about something and I was eager to know what it was.

"Um . . ." He started off, scratching the back of his neck. "About last night, um, how was it? Your interview, I mean. Did Logan behave?" His last question kind of pissed me off. What did he expect Logan to do? Run away with me? Flirt with me? I didn't get what it was that he had with Logan that made him to question me this way, but whatever it was, it had to stop. I wouldn't allow to him act like this if he wasn't going to give me a proper understanding on their dispute.

"It was alright, I guess. Weird, but alright. If I asked you right here and now to tell me what your beef is with Logan, would you tell me?" I asked him. I decided I would prefer to hear him answer to this first, instead of just going straight to it.

"I probably wouldn't. It's personal, I don't know if I can tell you."

"Fine then, I'll leave it at that. Arianna is your Cupid and she has a major infatuation with you. Logan's my Cupid, just thought I'd tell you that." I didn't speak a word after that and neither did Evan. Even when the class had started, the little space between Evan and I was filled with tension; I was sure it wasn't just me that felt it as well. I was sure the whole class was aware of the tension between Evan and I. This was the class that Evan usually passed notes to me because he found the class rather unnecessary. We would then get separated in order to curb the distraction in class that Evan made. I was sure even Mrs. Vanderwal noticed as well, and that was why she didn't bother addressing the two of us. The rest of the day went by like that, and I was left to feel sad and left behind because Evan hadn't attempted to come to me once, and when I'd try to go to him, he would change his route.

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