Cupid's Arrow - 03.

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Heads up, the 'project' at the end of this probably doesn't exist at all. Happy reading! <3


As soon as I got home from school, Evan called and asked if I was alright (something he rarely did, might I add). I'd told him that I was already at home and I didn't need any help at all. There was no need for him to drive me home since I'd already found my way home on my own.

I'd slipped my shoes off at the door and walked into the house barefoot. I tossed my bag on the couch and sat next to it, thinking about how much homework I had to do. I was in the middle of calculating the important homework and the ones that weren't important so I could do them in school when Emily showed up. She was here to tell me about how much of an amazing day she had. I could feel it.

"Sam!" She called, enthusiasm present in her tone. She threw herself next to me and stared at me expectantly. She wanted me to ask how her day was. I sighed and crossing my legs on the couch I was on and smiled at my little sister.

"Hey Emily, you're looking good." I told her. "Did Evan drop you home?" I asked. I'd been worried that Emily had to ask someone to give her a ride home or even walk home herself. I'd have to thank Evan if he did.

Her face dropped a little. "No, I declined his offer. Matthew dropped me home." She said dreamily. "But that's a story for another time. Is there anything else you'd like to ask me?" She asked, twirling a strand of her hair on her finger.

"Right." I nodded firmly. "How was your day at school?"

She almost squealed resting her palms on her thigh and took in a sharp breath. "It was amazing! I was thinking about how you're in the journalism club, right? And then I was like I should join a club. The clubs that weren't full were too geeky. Like what the heck is an Artsy club? Anyways, I decided I'd try out for something but then I realized I'm not fit at all. See?" She pulled her shirt up and showed me her perfect flat stomach. "So you know what I did?"

"You cried in the bathroom?"

"No – well, yes. And my question was rhetorical."


"It's all good. I went straight up to the principal and told him that I wanted to be the one to plan the Valentine's Day dance." She informed me. Valentine's was still far away, and it had completely slipped my mind that I needed to get Evan something for it. But I still had enough time to think of the perfect gift.

"You're a sophomore Emily. Only seniors do that." I pointed out and felt bad immediately for not being optimistic. "I mean, not that you can't do it." I added.

"I know. That's the whole point! This way I get to be the first sophomore to plan a social event at Jackson High, and have something to do that's like a club. I might even join the Prom Committee next." She told me, excitedly. My sister had high hopes. She had no idea what she was getting herself into.

"Do you realize the amount of hate you're going to get from seniors? I love you, Emily, but this won't work. I'm not saying I don't want you to do this; I'm just trying to look out for you. And if you don't get hate, guys and girls will be coming in from everywhere trying to bribe you make them and their significant other most popular couple or most loved couple and the best Cupid. Stuff like that." I warned her.

Emily just shook her head. "I know. They've already started. All I know is that I'm going to be in charge of the Valentine's week and no one will stop me. And for the bribes? They're going to have to do better than nachos without cheese. I'm going to meet the principal a week after to discuss my plans. Either you support me or not." She flipped her hair over her shoulders.

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