Cupid's Arrow - 13.

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GUYS IT'S SLOWLY COMING TO AN END SKEHEKEN IM SO SAD. Only five more chapters left until the (maybe) epilogue. :(


I sat on my bed, carefully folding my clothes and keeping them aside. I had resorted to cleaning my bedroom after I went over what had happened in school; it was a way to relieve stress. I was also upset with Evan. The Evan I knew would've known better than to do this to me; which was why I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Though the bigger part of me thought that he'd indeed moved on with Arianna, but I trusted him. He wouldn't break my trust; I knew the guy I was in a relationship with.

I sighed, got up and placed my clothes neatly in my wardrobe when I was done folding them. This procedure took about seven minutes as I ended up finding a few of Emily's clothes in there as well, and a few of the clothes that I needed to hide at the very bottom of my wardrobe, never to be seen again. The next thing I did was to make my bed, then after that, I found a stuffed elephant and tucked it beside my pillow. It was the elephant I'd gotten from my aunt back when I had an obsession with the wild. Then, I arranged my desk, set the lamp straight and placed my computer on it. My dresser was already organized so I didn't have to bother about that; I just went straight to vacuuming.

By the time I was done, I was beyond exhausted. I returned the vacuum to its place and set myself down on the living room couch afterwards. I grabbed the T.V. remote before anyone else could get it and turned on the T.V. I smiled when I realized it was a football match going on, remembering the times when my father, Emily and I would sit down on this very couch and get ready for game night. Emily was like six at the time and I was eight or nine. That was so long ago, but it didn't matter. I could call this game night and not bother about anything else.

"You know, I could've helped you clean your room if you'd just asked." For a price, I silently added to Emily's words. "I went up to your room to check up on you and I saw that it was literally spotless. So I came down here." She looked at the T.V. and smiled just as I'd done not so long ago. "Are you trying to recreate game night on your own? You need at least two people for that."

I could tell she was only trying to enlighten my dampened mood. I looked up to her, moving to the side and patting the spot next to me so she could sit. We'd talk about what happened later, but now, I wanted us to be like before. We could just pretend we didn't have that argument. "Well then, sit. It wouldn't be game night without the occasional pessimistic comments about both teams." She laughed at that and then moved to sit next to me.

She rested her head on my shoulder as she made a comment about a player that could've made an easy pass to his teammate while I tried to tell her that a player from the opponent team could've stolen the ball easily if he'd done that. He would've been taking a huge risk by doing what Emily had suggested.

"Mom and Dad are out," she said when she'd lost interest in the game. "We have the whole house to ourselves. I'm thinking we have a water fight with the water guns that I got for myself," she proudly said. "Incase our cousins come to visit." She clarified.

"Oh . . . no."

"Come on, Sam! I'll clean it all up. I promise. Don't you see? This is an opportunity to go back to childhood for one night. Yes, we're going to be grounded, no doubt, but still. Do it for me." Oh, I saw. I also saw that neither of us wanted to be the bigger person. I couldn't help but feel like she'd hold a grudge against me if I didn't end up apologizing.

"Your offer is very tempting," I pretended to ponder. "No. Don't you see?"

"I'm sorry but I turned blind a few seconds ago."

I sighed. "Okay, listen to me. Say I did agree to this, we all know you won't keep to your promise. You'll blackmail me into helping you and then I would be the loser. Plus, if Mom and Dad come back to us in the middle of a water fight in their living room then we'd not only be grounded, we'd be dead. This isn't trivial like when they caught you sneaking out of the house. They just let you go."

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