Cupid's Arrow - 10.

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My parents were definitely acting weird. They'd given me full custody over Emily for the night and told me that they'd trusted me, and they didn't even disagree about it once. There was minimum yelling and the house was somewhat serene when we'd left. I sort of felt bad; this was the one and probably the only time that they'd willing put all their trust in me and I was going to betray that same trust. It was a pity things like this didn't happen on a daily basis. That is, the trust giving, not the betraying of trust.

Emily had said her goodbye to me when I'd dropped her off at Carly's, one of her closest friends. From there I'd driven off to where I remembered The Pub was situated from the last time I was here (long story) and I was glad to find that it was still there. I'd doubted myself for a good amount of time while driving. It was because I didn't see any street signs that would show that this was where a bar would be, or a night club for that matter. It discouraged me and I even contemplated going back home. It was the work of overthinking and overthinking alone.

The street lights that illuminated the almost abandoned area were dim, giving me a lot of bad vibes, but it was just the natural aura of the place. The Pub was written in bright neon pink, green and blue letters on what used to be an old man's bungalow. From what I heard, said old man got depressed and turned his house into a drinking joint, then a stripper club, then cancelled the strippers and just called it a night club. Now it was mainly used for getting a drink or two. It was the only drinking joint within a five mile radius.

I closed my car doors and made sure I locked it shut to avoid potential stealing. I didn't have anything valuable in it, but I did have the car itself. I wasn't going to risk losing it. And if someone did manage to steal the car, then they'd have to break a window or something. I spotted the bouncer from where I was and sighed. He was going to ask for an ID, and I didn't have one. No fake either. I didn't like the way guys were eyeing me like a piece of meat either. I didn't even end up going with the black dress.

Logan's bike pulled up just then, and then a car followed by. He was a minute late as well as the rest of the Wolves. They were all dressed like they were here for a hookup. I didn't even need a description. Miniskirts, shorts that exposed your bum, tight and extremely short dresses, pretty much the whole package. I also took note of the fact that their car was royalty compared to my Toyota Camry. It was probably Andrea's, or maybe Tiffany.

"Hey Sam," Logan dragged on, wrapping his arm around me for a tight hug. He wore a pair of skinny jeans and a Hawaiian Tee, giving off the freestyle vibe. "I almost didn't recognize you. You look breathtaking. Wish Evan were here to see this. He'd be on top of the moon—"

I placed my finger over his lips, shutting him up. "Enough. I'm only here for business. I have my cards ready, journal ready, pen ready. I motioned to my handbag that was draped over my shoulder. "Get your camera ready. We don't even need to go in, we can just stay here."

"Where's the good lighting? Sam, I told you not to worry. He shoved a hand in his right jean pocket and pulled out a card. He handed it over to me. "Here's your ID. Memorize everything on it. For tonight, you are Melissa Sharpe. You are a final year in college and International Relations major. You look the part, now act the part."

"What?! I didn't realize this is what you meant by—"

"Shh, everything is under control. Stop worrying, and don't forget, act natural." He emphasized his last words as he gave me a pat on my shoulder for reassurance. I stared at my very first fake ID and sighed.

"Alright Wolves," Logan called, yelling in excitement. "Who's ready to party?" The whole Wolf pack cheered and hollered in excitement while I stood there awkwardly. This was so not my scene.

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