Cupid's Arrow - 6

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Mr. Jenkins searched his brief case for the files were he'd listed our various parts in our group, but I already knew about my part and Logan's, too. He'd 'ah'ed when he found the rather short list, which I'd imagined to be document sized and not just torn out of a simple book. I couldn't really have expected much from him anyway – he was Mr. Jenkins, one of the coolest and simplest teachers in our school.

Logan shifted beside me and I couldn't tell if he was anticipating our assigned task as a team just as I was. It would be my first, and I would make sure to cherish it for the rest of my life – or maybe just as long as I would be able to remember. When I finally became a journalist, one of the world's most renowned, in fact, then I'd think back to this day. I would smile and go back to writing my paper, probably on some robbery case. I'd always been the one for the juicy gossips; I just never acted on it. Anyone who knew me well was well acquainted with this fact.

"Everyone," Mr. Jenkins started, joyfully. His tone wasn't as dry as that of the other teachers his age, he sounded rather jolly and elated. "I'm proud to announce that I will be giving each team an assigned task to work on. I've found the old paper of which I'd grouped all of you, but that is unnecessary. I think you're all grouped perfectly this way."

His words brought chatter among the people whom I'd refer to as 'the cool nerds'. Logan sat still, only making the soft sound of breathing as he stared and waited patiently for Mr. Jenkins to continue. I decided I would imitate Logan. Why? I didn't know. I guess I'd just felt the need to. Logan had been like this after our last class, I didn't question why even though I was dying to know. It was none of my business.

"Cut the chatter!" Mr. Robbins yelled to get the class's attention, and it worked. The class fell into pin-drop silence as he cleared his throat, ready to proceed. "Before anything, would any of you like to pick your own topic to work on?" He asked. People raised their hands and told him what they would like to write on and get to know about. Logan nudged me and I looked up to find him smiling down at me. It was the first exchange we'd shared since lunch.

"Do you have anything in mind?" I shook my head, the only thing coming to my mind being the Valentine's Day dance that my sister would be organizing. I would've pitched that up so I could work with Emily, but it was way too early to think of that.

"I was thinking the Tigers and the Wolves battle." Logan informed me. Jackson High didn't have an official dance team, and the school principal wasn't in the mood for two, most likely rival dance teams in one school. I wasn't fond of the idea either. The Dance-Off was to determine who would emerge as Jackson High's official Dance Team. When I thought about it, I realized that Logan was right; it would be a great topic to write on. Logan would even get the chance to take pictures of the girls, too. It was a win-win.

Before I even came to the conclusion, Logan was already telling Mr. Jenkins what we would work on. I didn't know if he'd read my mind or if it was just him; I wasn't sure I was okay with it either way. I brushed it off like it was nothing. There was no need to overthink it.

"It's a nice topic," I started when Mr. Jenkins had put down our topics. To me, this was a trial test. To him, it was a regular thing. I was going to prove to Mr. Robbins that I was worthy of being on the Journalism club. "We could even get some recognition from it. People might start respecting this club a bit more, even."

Logan replied with a proud smirk, chuckling in the process. "I know. That's why I suggested it."

After we'd finalized everything, Mr. Robbins dismissed us and gave us the permission to get on with our work. There would be no more meetings for the rest of the week; it would only be the week after this. We were expected to fill him in on how far we'd gotten with our various projects. He'd also told us that our work would be published in the school's magazine after a fortnight. Logan and I talked happily outside the school about how we would go around it.

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