Cupid's Arrow - 08.

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So so SO sorry for the late updates, but I've been having the worst writers block and it's finally over. Anyways, updates will be more frequent now that exams are over, but they're still likely to lack.


I'd gotten news that my parents were due to return the next day (no tutor). Evan had apologized to me the whole ride home and luckily, Emily decided not to question it. Emily and I were not looking forward to our parents' return. Definitely not. It would be a complete disaster if we were all to live in the same house for a day, let alone weeks.

Right now, I was helping Emily draft out a plan for Valentine's Day. The dance itself was going to be a blast, according to Emily. She just didn't know where to start, so she was telling me all her ideas. I was just glad I had the chance to not do my over-bearing homework.

"I'm thinking the night will be inspired by love – well, duh. Hearts everywhere and then a big Cupid in the middle of the stage. We could even get everyone to go shirtless and wear only diapers and then bam! Everyone's a Cupid." Her suggestion must've seemed okay to her, but it was completely outrageous to me.

"Not everyone would like to have their boobs on display, Emily. Be considerate." She frowned at my disapproval and sighed, tearing out the piece of paper she'd drafted that idea on and crumbling it. She then proceeded to toss it aside as she pulled out a pencil and started drafting out another idea.

My phone vibrated again and I checked it. It was another text from Evan. I put it back in my pocket and waited for her to come up with her next idea. When she was done, she raised her book up so I could see her faint pencil drawings clearly. But I still couldn't. I grabbed my glasses from the coffee table and put them on. She's drawn two cupids and two couples. One cupid was pointing an arrow at a guy and the other was just watching from above.

"My next idea is rational, at least. For the whole week of Valentine's, we could assign a Cupid to all the single people at school. We'd have people sign up to be Cupids. That week, the cupid assigned to someone will help the person shoot an arrow to the person of interest. Be it by being a wing man, or with an actual arrow and a plunger. I'll get someone to cut it out. So, what do you think?"

I liked the idea. I did, I really did. "Too much work, but it sounds amazing. It could also potentially cause chaos. But you'll have to tell me who my Cupid will be. Alright?"

"Jesus, no. I won't be assigning Cupids. I'll find a friend to. If I did I would be completely biased. But anyways, that would be pointless. I wouldn't tell you if I was." I pouted at her response and she tore out another paper and crumbled it up like she did to do the other one. "Assume this is an arrow and I'm holding an imaginary bow." She aimed the ball of paper at my heart, but it hit my arm instead. "Almost right in the heart. Now, who would be a better Valentine? Matt or Joshua?"

I paused, quite taken aback by her question. "You're considering Joshua? I thought he was just a friend?"

"It could be a friends date. Plus, I'm starting to think I have feelings for him. I'll be my own Cupid, that's why I need your opinion. You're a senior; therefore you are superior and know all."

I sighed. "I don't know all and your hypothesis isn't sensible. I can't know all simply because I'm a senior."

"It is no longer a hypothesis, Sam. It is now a theory. I've tested it out and everything. And, according to my theory, if you have a boyfriend, then you do know all." I decided not to question her messed up theory and inaccurate hypothesis. "Speaking of, what's going on with you and Evan?"

I stayed quiet, which really didn't help in any manner. She would just keep asking me until I cracked or broke down. "Nothing's going on. Why do you ask?" To answer my question, she pulled out her phone and typed away on it. She handed it over to me. It was her and Evan's chat, and it was filled up with Evan asking about me. He wouldn't do this on a normal day, so to her, there was something wrong. The car ride home didn't help either.

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