Two Become One

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Y/N groaned as Kakashi was poking her the next morning.  She pulled the blanket up over her head and his musical laughter floated to her.  "It's time to get up, brat," he said, tugging on the blanket.

"No," Y/N said, "It's too early.  Come back to bed instead."

"I'm going to count to three and then you won't like what happens," he warned with obvious humor in his tone.

She shifted slightly before tucking one side of the blanket under herself then rolling into a burrito.  She smirked under the blanket.  Good luck getting me out of here before I'm ready to come out. She thought all nice and snuggly in the blanket.


She grinned and curled tighter.

"Two."  She felt pretty snug in that blanket, he was not getting her out before she was ready. "Three!"

Y/N shrieked as he somehow got hold of the blanket in a way that he was able to flip her right out of it to bounce across the bed and almost fall off.  She looked up at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. Kakashi looked down at her with his arms folded in front of him, a gleam in his dark eyes, and a smirk on those perfect lips of his.

"I have been dealing with teenagers for years now," Kakashi finally said.  "Don't think you're more clever than they are... brat!"

"Oooooh you....."

He knelt in front of her with a grin, "Come on, baby girl.  This is a big day for us both.  I got you something while you were sleeping."

She shifted her eyes to the window, only seeing the first faint lines of sunshine touching the horizon.  "Ugh, you are a morning person aren't you?"

He laughed, "You could say that."  He took a few steps back to reach around the corner of the bedroom door before pulling a beautiful white kimono around.

She gasped, "Kakashi, where did you find that so early in the morning?"

"There are some benefits to being the Lord Sixth," he answered softly.  "Do you like it?"

Y/N sat up and reached out to touch it.  "It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you will be wearing it," he answered with a pleased look on his face.  "Go ahead and put it on and I'll get changed into my outfit.  Then we can surprise each other with how we look."

Y/N liked the sound of that and took it from him as she stood up.  He brushed her lips with a light kiss before slipping out of the room and closing the door.  She then saw the white sandals next to the desk and a beautiful hairpin set, along with a brush and other feminine items.  He had thought of everything!

She quickly stripped out of the shirt she had swiped from him the night before and first put on the undergarments he had also got for her.  She then slipped on the kimono and wrapped the red sash around her waist.  The lining and the trim was also in red.  It reminded her of the Hokage colors and she smiled slightly at that thought.

  It reminded her of the Hokage colors and she smiled slightly at that thought

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