47 - Hungry hippo gyal

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Thursday 15th August, 10:34
Chardonnay's POV

The comforting scent of Eva's vanilla candles were reassuring as Eva and I huddled under her blankets in her bedroom with the remaining box of Domino's pizza from yesterday night. I had told Eva everything - from the block party to when I went to dinner with Jasiah. It's quite ironic how a sleepover at Eva's was all I ever wanted a month ago but I attended a party instead and got my life turned upside down by a man called Jasiah. Sighing, I bit into another triangle of pizza.

"Do you still miss him?" questioned Eva.

I choked on my food. "Huh?"

"Do you still miss Jasiah?"

"Kind of. I miss my life being a little more exciting," I explained. "He really cared about me... in his own unorthodox ways."

"I see. So what made you reject him that night at dinner?"

"I love him but I love me more. Let's not lie to ourselves, dating a gang member isn't a safe or an intelligent choice. It's not me that's going to be stuffing crack in my coochie during drug raids."

"Fair point, I mean sometimes you can't help who you love but dating a gang member is stressful," chuckled Eva. "Anyway, let's start getting ready so we can go collect our A Level results."

"Isn't it a bit early?"

"Nah, the sun is shining and the quicker we leave sixth form, the more time we have to get ready to start shaking nyash."

"Shaking nyash? Shaking nyash where?"

"There's a block party in Brixton so I was thinking we should invite all the girls and go," explained Eva.

"I thought your brother didn't like when you go to block parties or gang member linkups?"

"He doesn't so we're rolling."

"We're rolling? Who's we?"

"Both of us will go Tottenham at 4 so you can get ready at yours then you can come meet me and Kehlani and Yaz at Kehlani's house so we can go to the motive. I've already texted them so we can all meet up for 6."

"I can't really say no, can I?"

"I mean I can't force-"

The vibration of my phone ringing made Eva pause mid-sentence. My phone screen flashed with Katana's name. Confused, I answered the phone.

"Why haven't you been talking to man?" hollered Katana, clearly frustrated. "I'm not Jasiah so you don't have to ignore me as well."

"Aww did you miss me?" I chuckled.

"Why would I miss you? I just... haven't talked to you in a while."

Eva and I exchanged glances. That was the closest I was going to get with an 'I miss you' from Katana.

"Fair enough. How've you been lately?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm chilling and I'm all healed from the gun wound. Right now, I'm just fixing up one of my cars."

Eva grabbed my phone. "Hey, Katana do you wanna meet Kehlani and Yasmin and us at Kehlani's house by 6 then go to a block party?"

"Eva, is that you babe? Since when did your brother allow you to go to hood motives?" chuckled Katana.

"Never but I'm going anyway. I'm a grown adult," explained Eva. "I'll never get freedom unless I take it."

"Alright, I guess I'll go to make sure you guys come back without getting into beef," sighed Katana. "So what area is it in?"

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