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Two hours later, Chardonnay sprawled across her wide bed like a cat, replaying the events that happened previously in the classroom in her head. Not even the lengthy journey from her school in Essex back to her house could fade the substitute teacher's reaction to where she lived. Tottenham. The teacher's face of horror was tattooed in her brain. She'll never forget it. Sighing, she turned over to check if her phone had charged enough. A message notification popped up on her android phone, which was an 'artefact' according to Anna. Clumsily, she pressed the notification instead of clearing it. Rolling her eyes, Chardonnay read the message she was trying to avoid.

It read: Hey Chardonnay I hope you're okay. Call me when you're at home xx

The text was from one of her closest friends, who was called Eva. Even though Eva was a lot more popular than Chardonnay, she still stayed with Chardonnay and defended her against Anna; which Chardonnay was forever grateful for. Sighing, Chardonnay clicked the camera icon, waiting to see Eva on the video call.

 Sighing, Chardonnay clicked the camera icon, waiting to see Eva on the video call

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Eva Baker, 17 turning 18 soon (looks like Gigi Hadid)

"Chardonnay, hey, how've you been," Eva asked, tucking in a strand of her golden hair.

"I've been okay thanks. How about you?"

"I heard about what happened in your class. I'm gonna cuss the living daylights out of Anna for you," said Eva, ignoring her question.

"No, it's fine."

Eva frowned. "At least let me bring you to the birthday party tonight, like 90% of the year is coming."

"No thanks, I don't even talk to Stacy or Tilly, it's their party. And the other 9% are in an apartment party," replied Chardonnay

Upset, Chardonnay looked away from the screen. She never engaged in small talk with the other girls or gossiping so she never built strong friendships with most of the girls in the year group. Especially since the majority of them were faker than Anna's silicon lips.

"What about the 1% you missed out?"

"I'm the 1%, the percentage of the school that's cool with most people, has little friends, gets dragged by the popular kids publicly and not going to a party tonight."

Eva blinked. "Well make that 2% that's not going to a party, you can come over so we can have a sleepover."

"Are you sure? You can go to the party. I know you love alcohol."

"Did you forget I have my own bottle rack in my room with my mini fridge? So you better start packing your bag and your book."

"But you know I'm not supposed to have sleepovers, my dad doesn't let me."

"You're home alone though," began Eva, "you said your dad is in Asia for three weeks because of his job. Plus, you're an adult, you're literally turning 19 in September when we enter uni."

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