20 - High for this

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Friday 8th July, 21:02
Jasiah's POV

Storming out of the studio, I yanked open my car door and hopped inside. Inside the studio, I wasn't really feeling the producer's new beats and my thoughts were elsewhere so I decided to cut early. Inhaling the warm summer air, I focused on my breathing to calm my thoughts. I was plagued with a carousel of taunting questions that I couldn't answer. Where was Chardonnay? Why didn't she come into work today? Around and around the questions spun in my head. Why did I kiss her in the hospital? Since she didn't come to work, what was Chardonnay doing?

Frustrated, I started rolling up a zoot. I needed to think about anything but her. My phone flashed with the notification of a text message from Jordan.

Yoo, you seeing this g?

I scrolled further to see a screenshot of ZK's snapchat. I blocked ZK from my Snapchat a long time ago so we never saw each other's stories unless someone sent them to us. I zoomed in on the image. The picture was of Chardonnay at my motive with a caption indirecting me and my block. If this nigga was posting on snap that meant he was still alive. My nostrils flared. I was hoping when Jordan stabbed ZK in the Stoke Newington bar that he would die. Huffing, I called Jordan. After two calls, he picked up.

"Yo Jasiah, what you saying?" yawned Jordan on the other side of the line.

"You tired or suttin?"

"I just came back from the gym."

"My nigga," chuckled Jasiah. "Out here getting hench."

"What's up though?"

"How the fuck did ZK survive? I thought we deaded him. Or he'd at least die in hospital."

"I don't know still but I know that ZK has to die before the end of the summer because that dickhead talks too much on socials," explained Jordan.

"Word cuz," I agreed. "I think ZK must've been in UCL hospital, I saw his boys Tay and Astackz there."

Jordan laughed. "Why were you at University College London hospital? You wanna change career from drug dealer to doctor?"

"Nah, I went because Chardonnay went to see her mum. She has cancer."


"Yeah it's deep ahlie. I'll shout you tomorrow though," I sighed, ending the call.

I looked back at the photo of Chardonnay. She was beautiful. Disgustingly beautiful. She was in her own world reading her book. Which other girl do you know who reads at a motive? I couldn't help admiring her Junoesque figure. Chardonnay was out here making me use big words. The type of vocabulary I hadn't used since getting an A* in GCSE English exams. I remember the face Jordan pulled when I told him I got an A* in English years ago. He thought I was lying, especially since I was on road and going OT all the time. Jordan also knew my ability to effortlessly seduce females with my words didn't come out of thin air. I was really good with words. Smirking to myself, I balanced my zoot between my lips. Then I pondered over ZK and Chardonnay for a few moments. If Chardonnay doesn't have social media, how did ZK post the photo of her? She wouldn't have been able to send it to him unless she had his number. Lighting my zoot, I inhaled the warm smoke. Maybe Jordan and Katana were right, maybe Chardonnay wasn't affiliated with ZK after all. I'd have to ask her about ZK to make sure though. Then the only mystery left would be how did my watch end up in her bag.

Glancing at my car's dashboard, I noticed it was already after nine. Kehlani hadn't text me since morning and she wasn't back yet. A chill of uncertainty ran through me. What if something had happened to her? I pulled out phone and began to ring Eva but she didn't pick up. I tried Yasmin and Katana's phone numbers as well. They didn't pick up either. Agitated, I turned the ignition key, making the engine buzz into life. This time, I called another number.

"Ayo, Grimz, do you know where Eva is?" I asked.

I could hear the soft moans of a female at the other end of the line and a very distinct clapping noise. At least someone was enjoying their night. I could hear Grimz quietly ask her why she answered the phone. Then I heard her telling him that it was Jasiah, it could be important. His ting knew my government name? Raising my eyebrow, I took another pull from my zoot.

"Yeah g, at her prom or suttin. Why?" replied Grimz.

"I havent seen Kehlani all day."

"Oh, she's at prom with my sister and Chardonnay, Katana and Yaz."

"Say swear?"

"Yeah, I'm about go pick them up in an hour. Their prom ends at 10:30," explained Grimz.

"Nah it's calm bro, I'll pick up Kehlani and Chardonnay cah we need to talk."

"Cool I'll send you the addy."

"Safe my guy."

I waited on the line as Grimz looked for the address to forward it. At least Kehlani was safe. And Chardonnay.

"Did you get the postcode?" questioned Grimz.

"Yeah thanks," I grinned. "So who's your lady in the background."

As if on cue, I heard gargling and gagging sounds in the background.

"Ay Jayda chill," chuckled Grimz. "I'm talking to Jasiah."

I coughed, blinking in confusion.  "Jayda? Jayda Conta?"

"Yeah, Jasiah it's me. Don't choke on your zoot over it," giggled Jayda.

 Don't choke on your zoot over it," giggled Jayda

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Jayda Conta, 20 (looks like Zoë Kravitz)

Jayda used to be my next door neighbour before she moved out of GPK. She used to let Kehlani stay in her yard when I used to go OT for weeks at a time. I was happy she had finally found someone.

"So when am I getting invited to the baby shower?" I smirked. "Sounds like a baby is... being created."

Jayda kissed her teeth playfully. "Fuck you Jasiah!"

- Find your skill, perfect it until you're able to turn it into a grind and charge people for it

Two updates in one day for you guys! Jasiah is beginning to consider Chardonnay's innocence, as seen in the header. But how is he going to deal with Chardonnay and Kehlani lying to him? And what will he do when he picks up the girls? Don't forget to vote - Jaymunni

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