13 - Little Miss Secretary

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Thursday 7th July
Chardonnay's POV

"Email my manager and ask for the details of the Mad About Bars session," called Jasiah, rolling up a zoot. "Also, book another session in the studio for tomorrow at 7pm."

I hurriedly wrote down his demands in my notebook. Today was my third day working as a personal assistant for Jasiah. And it wasn't going great.

Jasiah rarely looked me in the eyes when he spoke to me, as if I was something disgusting to look at. When he spoke to me, his voice was chilly like the winds of a British winter. I know for a fact I hadn't done anything wrong since I always met my deadlines but it still hurt. He took great care to not get close to me - making sure to stay far away as possible. Equally, I made sure to put great distance between my memory of the incident in the hospital bathroom. I almost felt guilty for taking Tay's number, who somehow knew my name without me telling him, but I just wanted to be friends with him.

Nervously, I took a seat down at the kitchen table and I began to tap away at the keyboard of his laptop, trying to send as many emails as I could. This would be a long day.

Suddenly, the front door lock clicked open. Kehlani burst through the door, excitement plastered over her face and her hands full of shopping bags. She was the reason I kept sane during my "job". Unlike Jasiah, Kehlani had no problem talking to me or keeping me company.

"Chardonnay, you'll never guess what happened!" squealed Kehlani, sliding in the seat next to me.

Jasiah side-eyed me, urging me to continue working. I pretended I didn't understand what he meant. Shifting around, I took my hands off the laptop and faced Kehlani.

"Tell me!"

"So after buying stuff from Fashion Rumours in Wood Green, I went to Stratford Westfield."

"Then what?"

"When I was walking back to the station, I saw Danni begging it with one of the Youtubers filming by the steps."

Confused, I asked, "Who's Danni?"

"One of Anna's friends," explained Kehlani. "Anyway, it was very unfortunate that my fists and Jordan shoes connected with her face and stomach."


"I mashed her up until she told me what she knew about Anna and the watch," chuckled Kehlani.

Behind me, I heard Jasiah get up from the couch.

With a zoot between his lips, Jasiah questioned, "You beat up Danni?"

"Yeah, I did," replied Kehlani. "I just got sort of upset that I had no leads on Anna yet and Danni wasn't talking."

"Be careful around Danni."

Jasiah stared at me for a few moments before lying down on the couch again. I wasn't sure whether he gave me a look of regret that I was in his house working for him or anger for Kehlani trying to prove my innocence. Shrugging it off, I continued typing emails and making phone calls as Kehlani sat beside me, babbling away about what she bought on her shopping trip.

Eventually, the end of my working day came and I excitedly pushed in my seat under the kitchen table. Kehlani was busy in the kitchen, cooking lasagna. Wary, Jasiah glanced at me whilst I packed my stationery into my handbag by the opposite couch. He got up and went upstairs. Before I could put my jacket on, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said, accepting the call.

"It's Eva. You finished at work?"

"Oh hey, I just finished."

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