06 - Glassfell Park Estate (GPK)

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Saturday 2nd July, 00:50
Chardonnay's POV

Despite the cold weather, I still stayed outside. Half an hour ago, Kehlani had driven us back to Glassfell Park Estate and let us into her house. Eva and Yaz were already sleeping while Kehlani had taken the 341 bus to the high road to get McDonalds so I was the only one awake. I was left isolated with only the moon's radiance as my company. Captivated by nature's beauty, I didn't take notice of the car pulling up behind me. Nor of the screeching of a female that sounded a lot like Anna Valdez. It was only until I felt metal poking into the back of my head that I snapped back into reality.

"Where is the box, Chardonnay?" asked the familiar, smoky voice.

Then I recognised the scent of Aventus Creed.

"What box?"

Slowly I turned around. The metal didn't move an inch away. Pressing into my forehead was the same gun I saw underneath my seat in Jordan's car. Jsplash's eyes locked onto mine. My eyes were filled with confusion whereas his told the tale of a tempest brewing inside his soul. I could no longer see a mischievous sparkle in his brown eyes. I was guilty of something and I had no idea what.

"Don't play stupid," warned Jsplash. "Wait no, what are you doing in front of my yard?"

"I-I, Kehlani said I could stay over. I didn't know you live here."

"You're chatting wass now but let me ask you this, why did you take my car?"

My mouth slightly dropped. Behind him, I saw Jordan leaning against his car with eyes full of malice, possibly even more incensed than Jsplash. Next to him, Anna was hopping from heel to heel with excitement, waiting to see what would happen next. I really wish I could rip up her stupid designer dress just to wipe that smile off her face.

"I didn't. Eva asked Kehlani to drop us off and—"

"Again, that's nonsense. Just give me back the box bruv."

"Okay, I'm honestly confused about this box. I don't have it but if you want, I can help you look for it."

Jsplash's face twisted in suspicion. He seemed to almost believe me but I wasn't prepared for the unanticipated variable to come in and ruin everything – Angelina Valdez.

"Are you mad? It's in your handbag!" yelled Anna, lunging for my bag.

"There's no box in there but you can search."

I let go of my bag as Anna's hands rummaged in the depths of it for a few minutes. "What a surprise Chardonnay!"

Horrified, I watched her pull out a velvet box. "I don't know how it got there so please take it, it doesn't belong to me."

"That's right because I bought that," sneered Jordan to me before turning to Jsplash. "You can deal with her ahlie, I need to go shut down the party."

"Yeah cuz," Jsplash said, without taking his eyes off me.

Like a lunatic, Jordan drove off. His car skidded down the lane, back towards Stratford. Triumphantly, Anna threw the box to Jsplash, which he caught in one hand with ease, and she began to grin at me devilishly. He lowered his hand, removing the handgun from my forehead.

"I usually don't give people a choice," began Jsplash, "so today's your lucky day. How would you like to die?"


"Bullet or blade?"

My knees began to quiver. Was this guy drunk? I wish he was but I couldn't smell a drop of alcohol on him. I had so much potential to do amazing things in life but because I trusted the false sense of security in Jordan and Jsplash, I was about to die. My life was going to end in Glassfell Park Estate and I didn't even get to say goodbye to my parents. Sorrowful, I gazed up at him.

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