25 - Going somewhere?

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Friday 8th July, 22:50
Chardonnay's POV

Holding her head high, Anna finally got up from the floor.

"Well are you gonna try come beat my ass or what?" taunted Anna.

Kehlani laughed. "No, I won't try. I will beat your ass."

Storming down the stairs, Kehlani was about to pass Tion but he blocked her path.

"Nigga move! I'm not in the mood."

"For the record, I don't condone beef and drama," began Tion, folding his arms, "but for the nonsense you did upstairs Anna, you deserve all that comes to you."

He stepped aside, allowing Kehlani and the others to descend the stairs. They were a squad of soldiers, ready to annihilate Anna. For me.

Suddenly, the front door swung wide open. In a daze, Eva waltzed in with most of her lipstick gone and a trail of love bites down her neck. She was no longer wearing her Versace dress; in its stead, Eva was wearing the Quiz dress.

"Hey guys I-" grinned Eva sheepishly as she spotted Anna. "What's going on?"

Taking Eva's entrance as an opportunity, Anna pushed past her and bolted through the open door. Annoyed, Kehlani, Yasmin and Katana dashed down the stairs and outside of the house, in pursuit of Anna.

"Shouldn't you guys be following them?" questioned Tion, skipping down the stairs.

"Yes," I replied, "in fact, make sure you look after Tilly while we go."

Grabbing Tilly's hand, I pushed her into Tion's broad chest. Tion crossed his arms over Tilly, hugging her close to him. Widening her eyes, Tilly tried to cover her flushed cheeks.

"Yes ma'am. Let's go get a drink Tills."

Shaking my head, I open the front door and darted down the road, following the distant shouts of Katana.

Eva pointed at an alleyway. "Did they just run into that gap in the wall?"

I could see the back of Yasmin's dress sparkling in the darkness of the alleyway. Swiftly, we crossed the road and peered behind Yasmin. Katana and Kehlani had Anna cornered at the other end of the alleyway.

Holding her hands up to surrender, Anna grinned. "You caught me so now what? Are you going to beat me up?"

"For things you've done to me in the past? Not yet," sighed Kehlani. "I want to check how well your ponytail weave is secured."

Snatching a fistful of Anna's ponytail, Kehlani pulled Anna backwards. Some of Anna's bundles were beginning to loosen from her ponytail.

"Do you think I should record this?" whispered Eva.

"Definitely. I need to give Jasiah evidence of Anna saying she's behind the watch theft," I replied. "Well I hope she's behind it."

"She better be the one who set you up because we don't have any other leads yet."

I nodded in agreement as I watched Eva pull out her phone. We watched Kehlani and Anna battle each other on the ground, constantly rolling on the ground in attempt to try and get the upper hand. Anna chuckled, making Eva and I exchange glances. Why was she laughing?

"Let's stop messing around and get serious," smirked Anna while straddling Kehlani.

Anna reached into her thighs, underneath her long dress, and produced a gleaming kitchen knife. My eyes widened. She lunged for Kehlani and narrowly missed her face, slicing some hair off her wig. Instantly, Kehlani grabbed Anna by the throat. Katana produced the broken vodka bottle whilst staring at me, as if to say I told you so.

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