14 - KFC and Chill

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Chardonnay's POV

Scurrying to the top of the escalator, I stumbled away, in search of which direction Tay went. Fortunately, it was rather easy to spot a guy in a Canada Goose coat and Louis Vuitton scarf in a crowd full of people wearing vests and shorts. It was a humid July morning after all. Tay leaned against the entrance to JD, still sipping his KFC drink. However, as soon as he saw me, he started striding away towards the toilets. I began to weave my way out of the groups of people and jog towards Tay. He made a sharp turn and slipped between the stores, which was where the lifts and toilets were. Panting, I stopped in front of the entrance to the lifts and seating area where I caught him walking into the lift. He looked back and winked at me. Frustrated, I walked over to the lift and watched the lift doors close in front of me. I'm pretty sure I could hear Tay snigger. Maybe he was joking around and didn't want me to follow him? Maybe I should just go back down to my friends?

Soon enough the lift stopped, indicated by the sign above it which displayed what floor it was currently on. The lift had gone to the car park. Hesitantly, I entered the lift and pressed the button to go up to the car park. A young couple with a buggy and an elderly man also entered with me. I watched as the doors shut and felt the ground lurch up. A few minutes later, the doors creeped open to the car park. I strolled out into the car park first since I was nearest to the door. Dozens of cars were parked but the majority of the car park was empty. A few people were getting out of their cars and a group of girls were milling about by the car park metre but there was no sight of Tay. I took this as a sign that I shouldn't have followed him. Besides, time was running out for me to find a dress and do my hair. Swiftly, I turned around and started to walk towards the stairs since there was a queue forming for the lift. Pushing open the door to the stairs, I could smell the pungent scent of weed. Its earthy and spicy notes were almost soothing, beguiling me to track its source. I had already walked down a few stairs when I was suddenly pulled back by a hand. I was dragged backwards and my back was pressed against a warm chest. I was about to bolt down the stairs when a warm hand snaked around my waist, pulling me closer. Preparing to scream, I felt the other hand cover my mouth whilst I tried to squirm away.

"Yo relax, it's just me," whispered the voice.

Before I had time to guess who my captor was, I was spun around. Flustered, I stared into the eyes of Tay. His hazel orbs glistened, full of mischief.

"I thought I was about to get kidnapped," I muttered, narrowing my eyes.

Smirking, Tay replies, "There's something about you when you're angry..."


"You look kinda sexy."

Rolling my eyes, I turned and started to walk down the stairs.

"Wait, do you wanna chill for a bit in my car?" asked Tay nervously.

"And why would I do that?" I laughed.

I had learnt my lesson from last time. What may seem an innocent activity, such as sitting on a bed, can turn out totally different. Or playing 21 questions. If I remember correctly, Jordan's favourite book is called Triangle. Who knows if Tay has an ulterior motive.

"The same reason you followed me up here," grinned Tay, as he balanced the zoot between his lips.

"But I didn't-"

Grabbing my hand, Tay guided me back to his car. He opened my door for me as I slid into the Range Rover's leather seats. A few moments later, Tay sat beside me in the driver's seat, looking at me intently.

"On a real ting, you look cute today though," began Tay, biting his lip.


"So how do I look today?" asked Tay, brushing his waves with his hands. "My boy patterned me with a fresh trim last night."

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