08 - Sunday surprise

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Sunday 3rd August, 10:32
Jasiah's POV

Slamming the front door closed behind me, I marched inside my yard. Katana's motorbike was parked outside. I don't understand why the fuck she's here. I definitely didn't see her at my motive. Some next snake. Huffing, I pulled off my black gloves and bally.

Jordan and I had crashed into someone's house party at 5am just to find out about what happened between Anna and Chardonnay. Unfortunately, I heard all the things I didn't want to hear. And no, I'm not sorry I made Anna cry so much that her tarantula looking ass lashes fell off. The things we found out were so bad that I couldn't even consider telling my sister about it. And I usually told Kehlani everything, except anything relating to GPK, the gang I was part of.

Sleepily, I picked up my phone from the mantelpiece bowl full of pebbles. I hid it there yesterday on my way out. According to Kehlani, the bowl of shiny rocks is meant to be a decoration but to be truthful, it's the most ghetto thing I've ever seen in my life. I saw a few messages from old tings, my boys and a text from Katana. Curious, I opened her text.

As you know I'm on holiday but I planned to come back to London in time for your birthday.
Your dickhead cousin only told me Thursday morning he'd moved the surprise motive to Friday when it was supposed to be on Saturday night.
So Saturday morning when I get back to London, I'm gonna come over and see you - K

I rolled my eyes as a small smile crept onto my face. She wasn't a snake after all. Now I felt bad for even thinking that she was. I should know better, she also reps GPK. Katana is the only female in the gang after all, she's basically mandem. She was the living definition of a loyal brother. I was suddenly brought out of my train of thought when I heard singing from the kitchen. And not just any kind of singing. Terrible singing. You know those ones where they think they're Beyoncé in shower but actually sound like a strangled London pigeon. Then I heard laughter as the awful singing continued. Instinctively, my hand drew out a small flick blade from my pockets as I neared the kitchen door. Slowly I peered around the door. My mouth dropped. Standing by the kitchen counter in hot pink booty shorts and a white tank top was Chardonnay, who was mixing pancake batter. Her large bonnet was askew, which made her ever sexier. I bit my lip. She still hadn't noticed me as I leaned against the doorway, watching her. My phone's screen flashed with a text from Jordan.

So what you gonna do about Chardonnay?

What is there to do?

Fam I know you like her, stop chatting

Bake man

So Chardonnay is still gonna be your little assistant yeah


I glanced back up at Chardonnay as she watched a YouTube video on her phone. It wasn't her singing after all, it was coming from the video. Thank goodness, imagine if your... female assistant sang like a seagull.

"Aventus Creed?" she whispered, sniffing the air.

Chardonnay turned around. Her eyes widened whilst her mouth opened slightly and closed, as if she wanted to say something.

"Good morning Mr Clarke," grinned Chardonnay.

"Any reason for you to be in my house, for the second time?"

"Kehlani threw a sleepover with Katana, Yaz and Eva and invited me sir."

"Again? My house isn't a youth hostel."

I turned away, storming up the stairs. I wasn't sure what had put me into my bad mood. Was it the fact that Chardonnay had addressed me in such a formal yet cold manner or that seeing her face reminded me of what I had found out earlier.

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