03 - An AM 100ft in the air?

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AM stands for attempted murder

Silence shrouded the atmosphere in the Jordan's car as they cruised through the north east London streets, suffocating Chardonnay's mind. They halted at a set of red traffic lights. Jordan slowly took in her sorrowful face. Rolling his eyes, he took out a pre-rolled zoot.

"You should stop smoking, it's bad for your lungs," Chardonnay said.

"Didn't your mother teach you to mind your own business?"

At the mention of her mother, Chardonnay blinked away her tears.

"Maybe I don't want you to go to jail or die," she muttered quietly.

"Rah, darling I didn't mean-"

"The light is green, you're holding up traffic."

Once Jordan accelerated around the bend into Stratford, Chardonnay gladly accepted the plunge back into deadly silence as tendrils of weed smoke tickled her nose.


"We're here," Jordan announced as he parked the car. "I rented an Airbnb penthouse to surprise my cousin on his 19th."

"Oh really, that's really sweet of you to do," smiled Chardonnay. "Look, I can see Eva at the entrance."

"Go out and see her den. You can go up to the party, it's on the top floor. I've gotta call someone real quick."

"Alright then, I'll see you later."

Instantly, Chardonnay jumped out of the car with her handbag and hugged Eva.

"That cream outfit really suits you," smiled Eva.

"Thank you but look at you! You look like a runway model."

Eva's party outfit

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Eva's party outfit

"Thank you! I mean I do model part-time so it's not far from the truth."

They both laughed as they walked into the lobby together of the apartment building.

Eva suddenly looked serious. "Okay, spill. What happened and why were you so desperate to go to this party with a stranger? Imagine if I didn't know him!"

"This was the first time I've been properly invited to a party. I've always wanted to get an invite and today I got it. And he was good looking."

"So? Ted Bundy the serial killer was handsome to his victims. Imagine if Jordan wasn't somebody I knew!"

"He didn't really give me serial killer vibes but in the car, I saw-"

Chardonnay paused. The gun under the seat wasn't something she could tell her best friend about.

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