27 - Sweet dreams

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Saturday 9th July, 01:00
Jasiah's POV

"Chardonnay is going to sleep in my room right?" asked Kehlani, leaning against her bedroom door. "The thing is, I'm too tired to keep checking up on-"

"She can stay in my room," I answered as I carried Chardonnay in my arms up the stairs.

Kehlani's eyebrows arched as she exchanged glances with Kehlani. I stopped on the landing when I realised what they were thinking.

I rolled my eyes. "Not like that fam, chill."

"Like what then?"

"I'm gonna be downstairs listening to beats for my album," I explained. "So Chardonnay might as well use my bed instead of sleeping on your floor."

"Alright but check on her every half hour," added Katana. "It's not safe to leave drunk people to sleep off the alcohol."

Nodding, I entered my room and laid Chardonnay on the bed. The hushed whispers of Kehlani and Katana outside my room made me begin to doubt my act of generosity. I wasn't doing anything wrong by lending her my bedroom, right?

I looked down at Chardonnay. Her chest slowly rose up and down and her eyelashes occasionally fluttered in her sleep. It was crazy how one girl had gotten so close to my sister and the people I considered second family in the space of seven days.

"Chardonnay Obiaka... who really are you?" I whispered to myself.

Sighing, I took off her heels before pulling the blanket over her. As I tucked the last corner of the blanket around Chardonnay, her hand shot out and grabbed my hand.

"Jasiah, why don't you love me?" rasped Chardonnay as she fought to keep her droopy eyes open.


"I want you but you don't want me!"

"What are you talking about?"

I saw tears trickle down her cheeks, making me feel sharp needles pierce my chest. Every time Chardonnay cried, I would always feel somewhat responsible.

Laughing, she continued, "You still think I'm an opp thot when I'm not but I'll eventually stop loving you because you're a piece of-"

Her head fell back onto the pillow and her eyes closed shut. Clearly Chardonnay was too sleep-deprived to give me verbal. Shaking my head, I looked through my wardrobe and found my velvet durag. It wouldn't be as good as a bonnet but it would have to do. Brushing back Chardonnay's hair with my hands, I slipped my durag onto to her head. Satisfied, I scrutinised her face. Her false lashes were so big they were like aeroplane wings, ready to take off. After living with my sister for so long, I've learnt that it is disastrous for the skin to sleep with makeup on. On the other hand, if I let Chardonnay sleep with makeup on, she was going to stain my freshly washed sheets.

Kissing my teeth, I strolled to the bathroom and back in order to get Kehlani's makeup wipes. First, I gently pulled off Chardonnay's false lashes and placed them on a piece of tissue. I grabbed a pen from my desk and wrote down on the tissue which eyeball I got the lashes from - a habit from when Kehlani used to come back drunk from parties and I had to take off her makeup. I picked up the wipes and began to rub away the makeup from Chardonnay's face. Occasionally, she stirred in her sleep but she didn't wake up. Finally, I could now go downstairs and choose which instrumentals I'll next use in the studio. Switching off the lights in my bedroom, I remembered what Chardonnay said to me. I wonder
if it's true that people say how they really feel when they're drunk.


Chardonnay's POV

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