05 - "Ghettorella"

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Okay, now the story action is really starting. Points of view are going to be in first person, from the main characters' points of view.

Chardonnay's POV

Yawning, I put my book down and I pulled out my phone. It was 11.30pm and I had zero notifications. I guess that was normal for a person without social media, but my dad was supposed to call me. He said he would call to check if I was okay and let me know that he was okay. I just wanted to know that he was okay. I wouldn't know how to deal with losing both parents. Sighing, I walked past the clusters of desperate girls, whose hips moved hypnotically to Popcaan in hope of catching male attention, and went to the balcony. I could whine better than them in my sleep, but I don't feel like getting secured for the first time by some random dickhead. Not tonight. Parties were clearly not for me. There was too much to think about before I could even allow my guard down.

Thoughtfully, I peered up at the moon. Stars were stitched like sequins on the impenetrable darkness, making the full moon stand out in its full glory. Apparently, full moons were the sign of new beginnings or whatever rubbish Eva said. She was really into astrology and horoscopes. It was cute that she searched up my horoscope as well as hers, but I don't believe in them. I think she said I'm a Virgo because I'm born on 21st September. Imagine believing someone's personality is different to someone born a second after them. LOOOcouldneverbemeOOOL. Others say a full moon can make you go insane, lose sleep or become violent. Regardless, I gazed at its' beauty. The billowing breeze caressed my cheeks, carrying the scents of London to my nose. I could decipher the smell of weed and fast food yet there was something else I could now smell.

It was only when I broke away from the mesmerising orb of light, I noticed another fragrance other than my Lady Million perfume around me. Infiltrating through my musky perfume, I could smell a very woody yet sweet smell, beckoning me to turn around to face the wearer. Beguiled, I turned. It was Jsplash. At once I recognised his scent - it was Aventus Creed. An eau de parfum only fit for kings.

"Yo, you good darling?" he asked, shutting the balcony door behind him.

The way he said darling in his smoky voice began to make me think of not so holy things. His perfume made me feel like I was drunk, the smell was intoxicating. And I couldn't get enough. Slowly, he stepped closer to me, attempting to close the distance between us. I began to back away, pressing my back against the locked door.

"You still ain't answered man's question Chardonnay," Jsplash huffed.

J1 must have told him about me if he already knows my name. Before I could register it, he placed one hands above me, trapping me between the door and his chest. I looked up at him so I wouldn't be caught admiring his toned body.

"I've been good thanks, Jsplash."

He hummed in acknowledgement as his eyes darted across my figure. Was that a smirk? I couldn't be sure since we were in the dark. I heard him take a sharp intake of breath, breathing in my perfume. He took a few steps away from me and leaned against the railing.

"Now explain to me why the fuck you're reading a book. Is my motive that dead?"

He thought I was bored. I'm not bored, I just don't cope well in very social environments due to my social anxiety but he didn't seem like a guy that I could open up to about that. Opening up is a scam anyway.

"I'm not bored, it looks like fun but..."

"But what?"

"I'm not really a party person, I'm actually quite shy. This is my first motive."

"Oh, say swear."

Genuine concern was plastered all over his face. I had a feeling he wanted to talk to me but he was at loss for words, like me, but obviously for different reasons. I was speechless because his attractiveness was inhumane whereas he had something else bothering him.

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