Househusband ( Kakashi)

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Theme song:
Untitled (How does it feel) ~D'angelo

Love language:
Physical touch

For someone whose been reading Icha Icha Paradise since he was 12, Kakashi sure is awkward around women. It was always one word answers whenever he speaks to a woman. Especially if they try flirting with him.

This was the case for you except you weren't flirting. He was trying to flirt with you. Unsuccessfully might I add.

You first met Kakashi when you were assigned to him to help guide and ease him into the Hokage role soon. You were prepping him with questions as he dressed in his updated look and every so often, out of the corner of your eye, you'd catch him looking at you. You didn't think anything if it the first few times because you're asking him questions, it's normal to look at the person talking to you.

However, when you were finishing up notes and packing your documents into a folder, you felt his eyes on you. You being you, wanted to nip this in the bud. So, you got bold, looked him straight in his eye, and asked

"Is there a reason why you keep staring at me?"

Him being the smooth operator played it cool. "I can't help but to look at things I find beautiful."

Yeah he definitely was digging on you. From that day on, the flirting between the two of you continued up until the week before the ceremony. That's when he wakes you out on a date and of course, you said yes.

Marriage life:
This marriage doesn't seem like a traditional marriage if you know what I mean. It feels like you're living with your best friend or your life partner. Some may even call it soulmates. Either way, it feels nice.

It's true about what they say, when you spend so much time together, you start looking and acting alike. People call you twins for that very reason, and they're right to do so.

Since you've been together, you've gone from knowing jack shit about Icha Icha Paradise to accompanying your husband (and other husband let's call a thing a thing) Gai along for the Icha Icha Paradise memory lane trip, or whatever he calls it, and knowing what happens in all the volumes.

Never thought you'd be so invested in a porn book but here you are, taking pictures of your husband on top of a hill, the very same hill described in one of the volumes. Life is very unpredictable.

You love your husband dearly and he does you.

He is such a touchy person, always grabbing onto something. If you're laying next to him, he'll find himself mindlessly playing in your hair. Speaking of, he loves playing on your hair. It brings him comfort.

He loves it when you give him forehead kisses and ruffle his wild white hair after. He'll blush every time.

Kakashi didn't really think a lot about his future before he met you. He always focused on the now. He couldn't afford to anyway, he was constantly getting thrown into the fire with these dangerous missions. Ranging from being an ANBU to a Jonin watching over and teaching three twelve year olds, he never thought about kids, at least his own biological kids. His only 'kids' were Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke.

Then he met you and it made him think if he wanted to have kids with you. It would be nice since all his 'kids' are grown with their own. Just maybe...

You on the other hand were nonchalant about kids. It didn't matter if you had kids or not. You were practicing safe sex but if it happens, it happens. And right it did.

If you did, you got pregnant on your birthday. When you told him, you were shocked at his sudden burse of excitement. He usually didn't show this much excitement unless he was doing two things, visiting the landmarks described in Icha Icha Paradise or making a bet with Gai. Like it's been iterated before, you've always been nonchalant about kids but his excitement got you more than a little excited as well.

You had a boy and you called him Sakumo, named after his late father.

Domestic Activities:
Cleaning, washing, and organizing the house is a lot of work believe it or not. It's a job within its own right so every now and then, he hits up Gai to help clean the house. Though when he does come over, it never gets cleaned. In fact, when you come home, they're always in the middle of some kind of bet that always ends in the house being torn up.

You surely are not gonna clean it up after such a long and hard day so all it takes is for one look for both ken to apologies and start cleaning, though that turns into a competition it's self.

Of he doesn't call Gai over, he'll more than likely be cleaning the floors, it's his favorite to do, with trustee ole Pinesoul. It just smells so good y'all, he can't resist!

Random things he does for you:
After a long hard day, the only thing you want to do is get the bathtub and soak, maybe fall asleep, and turn out the lights for the night.

Kakshi knows this so he draws the water for you every night, putting some bath salts and it a bath bomb, lighting up your favorite candles, and waits for you. Every time feel so grateful.

While you get in the bath and soak, he stays there, sitting on the toilet, and conversate with one another, asking about each other's day and such.

If you're way too tired, he'll jump in the bath and wash you up. Though sometimes, there isn't too much sleep going on...

 Though sometimes, there isn't too much sleep going on

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