A different world (Kakashi)

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"Yo Kakashi!" A voice called out to me. I snapped back to reality only to be in front of a beautiful woman.

Kakashi where's your head at? Haha it's like you had a vision like that's so Raven." She laughed.

"Raven?" Kakashi questioned

"Don't tell me you already forgot all about that that's so Raven show. You know Raven had visions of the future?" She explained.

"Ah. Yes sorry about that. I was just... thinking." I said.

'Damnit Kakashi. You have to stop staring before she notices.' I thought.

"Oh? About what?" She asked.

"Uh no it's about something else." Kakashi said. "Let's continue on with the tour hmm? You were showing me this shop?" I said trying to change the subject.

"Mmmhmm... Anyways, this shop is....."

As she rambled on about her favorite shop, I thought back on how I came to meet Y/N. Apparently, she had found me unconscious in a field. She brought me to the hospital where I woke up. She was the first thing I saw when I woke up and I immediately was mesmorized by her beauty. Ever since that day, shes taken the time to visit me until I got out and was kind enough to let me stay in her apartment rooms she owns. But spend time with her over the past six months has made me realize something. I have fallen for her. Hard.

Every time she takes me on her little tours, as of late, I find myself zoning out and staring at her beauty and smiling fondly at her. I haven't felt this in ages.

"...so now you-you're doing it again." Y/N sighed.

"Huh? Oh ah sorry." I said shooting her a nervous smile.

"You know you've been staring and daydreaming a lot during our little tours. They boring now or..."

"No it's not that it's just that I can't concentrate on what you're saying as of late. Not because you're boring but something more..." I answered.

"Something more?" Y/N said with a sarcastic tone. "And what would that be hmm?" She said with her hand on her hips. Kakashi walked closer to her and looked straight into her eyes.

"You." I said.

"....Huh?" Y/N said in confusion. 'What is he talking about "You"? What is that supposed to mean?' "What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is it's hard to focus on these places when such a beautiful woman like yourself is standing in front of me." I said. Y/N slowly put down her arms and had a somewhat shocked expression on her face.

"You mean..."

"Yes. I think I've fallen for you."

"Uh I-uh." Was all the words Y/N could make out. She had never expected him to confess to her let alone fall for her.

"Well, now that I got that off of my chest, let's check this shop out hmm?" I said smiling at her.

"Ah y-yeah ok. L-lets go." She said looking everywhere but his eyes and making sure to go ahead of him.

I chuckled at her and went behind her. "Cute."

TheWeirdOtakuRainbow hope you like it and thanks for requesting. Sorry it took so long. I revised it several times. Enjoy!

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