The other woman (Sasuke)

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Y/N opened the door into her apartment and took off her coat.

"Babe I'm home from work!" She said.

"Hey." Sasuke said coming from the living room. Y/n walked to him to kiss him but he suddenly moved away.

"Uh is there something the matter?" She asked.

"Yeah. We...we need to talk..." Sasuke said and took her hand and guided her to their couch.

"Babe did something happen?" You asked again.

"Yes something did happen. Its been on my mind and it's time that I tell you the truth..." Sasuke said.

Y/N had a somewhat confused look on her face and removed her hands from his. "What's the truth..." She said in a serious tone.

"...I...I'm leaving." He said while looking at the ground.

"W-what? I-I don't understand." Y/N said with a shaky voice.

"I'm leaving you. For Sakura."


"S.... Sakura..."

"It's not you it's me. I made a mistake with her and cheated on you with her a few months back and now she's pregnant. Y/N im-"

"I think you should go.." Y/N said looking straight ahead. This caused Sasuke to finally look up at his soon to be ex girlfriend and immediately regretted it. Single tears were already falling down her cheeks.

"Y/N im sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen..." He said and tried to wipe a single tears from her brown skin but she moved away from his touch and glared at him.

"Don't you dare touch me after telling me all of this. Now I'm gonna tell you this one time and one time only. Get out of my apartment right now or else." Full tears were coming down Y/N's cheeks but maintaining a calm and stable voice.

Sasuke looked at her with sadness and got up to go pack his things. Meanwhile, Y/N say on the couch somewhat in a trance thinking where it all went wrong. What happened. What lead to this situation.

A few minutes later, Sasuke came down with all of his things ready to go out the front door until Y/N said something.

"Why?" She said still staring at the space in front of her. "Why did you even cheat if you loved me. If it didn't mean anything then why did you do it?" She asked.

Sasuke was a bit taken back by her question but attempted to answer her. It was the least he coul do after all this.

"Honestly, I don't know. I've regret that night since then because I knew that I betrayed you. You deserve someone better of your love. I'm so so-" Sasuke was cut off by her shouting.

"Don't say that 'I'm sorry' bs! I put in 3 years into this relationship and you just go and do this?! How dare you! Just get out of my face before we have some real problems." Y/N yelled. She got up and wiped her tears and stood near her front door. "Just go. Please..."

Sasuke sighed and and gave her one last look and walked out the front door and loaded his stuff into his car. He got in and drive off. Y/N closed the door and quickly went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She finally let all of the tears come out all at once and looked at herself while doing so.

'What went wrong?'

BigHeartAnime I hope you like it ^~^ Enjoy!

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