Househusband (Minato)

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Theme song:
Cater 2 u ~Destiny's child

Love language:
Quality time

You and Minato have known each other for a long time. Throughout your relationship, he's showed bits and pieces of his domestic side but it never really showed so much until you married him. He dots on you waits on your hand and foot and loves to spoil you. He just loves to put a smile on your face.

Married life:
You and Minato have known each other for a long time so after being married to him and moving in together, it wasn't surprising how attentive he is to you. Always getting what you need and putting you first, sometimes, you wish he'd be a bit selfish but at the same time, you aren't complaining.

When you first got married, before he became Hokage, the cooking and domestic chores were equally distributed between the two of you. If it was anybody else, you'd hate doing chores or find it a bit boring but being with him makes time fly because of how much fun you two have together. Truth be told, doing domestic housework with you is one of the things he looked forward to the most, he believes that if you can see your partner in your personal safe and private place like your own home, that person must be the one.

After becoming Hokage, of course, the balance in chores changed and your personal time together wasn't an exception. It was a struggle at first to find time for each other but he was persistent, whether it was lunch breaks at your job or via versa to you coming over after work and staying with him at the Hokage tower until he was done, whatever time you had, you squeezed it in for each other.

Of course, that plan didn't work forever, and when it did stop working, he hated it. He didn't want to be away from you. So, to make up for lost time, he gets his work done as fast as he can to rush home and set up dinner. It makes him feel accomplished in a way when he does anything for you, especially cooking. So, almost every night, you come home to a delicious home-cooked meal, sometimes, you come home a little bit earlier than expected and catch him putting on the finishing touches wearing that cute pink apron on.

To others, it's a little strange that the leader of the Village of the Hidden Leaf does more of the 'women duties' than his wife, some colleagues tease him for it, but he always brushes it off. It doesn't matter what they think. He's practically wrapped around your finger and he knows it. He just wants to give you the world, but for now, he'll settle by spoiling you.

When your child(ren) was/were born, he always dropped his role as Hokage. He wanted to stay home with you and the child and often zoned out thinking about both of you. Growing tired of late nights and noticing the subtle but growing frustration mixed in with his anxiousness, he suggested something a little outlandish and quite frankly... unheard-of a stay at home husband.

Minato wanted to be by his child(ren)'s side so much and couldn't bear to leave you alone with no help so he suggested working from home which is how you are currently. He turned the study into his mini office, which was located right next to the nursery. Now, he doesn't do all his work there, sometimes he'll go to Hokage tower if needed, but he was mostly at home with the kids. You noticed that he became a bit softer when the kid(s) was/were born which was cute to you. He just loves them too much.

He took on more of the househusband role once you expressed your desire to go back to your job and took responsibility without hesitation. Again, you weren't surprised, you swore he was made to be a homemaker.

Minato is the more laid back but strict parent. He doesn't raise his voice at them but he gets his point across to them in a firm tone. He believes in talking out your problems rather than lecturing. Don't worry though, they're not too much trouble, for him at least. It has crossed your kind a few times that they like him better than you.

Domestic Activities:
The laundry is the least favorite activity to do around the house, he leaves that bit for you but it's fun when you're there with him, but everything else is light work. The plants? Watered and talked to every morning. The floors? Mopped and smell as lilac. Child(ren)'s room? Cleaned every day. Kitchen? Sprayed down with bleach and kept spotless.

Like I mentioned before, he loves to cook for you and the child(ren). Honestly, he could be a chef with his own restaurant with the way he cooks these recipes for you all every night. It's always something new every night and when you ask him what his secret ingredients are because just tastes so..good!

"My love for you"

His answer every time and he means it.

Random things he does for you:
Every morning, Minato gives you the rundown before you leave
"You have your keys?" "Don't forget your purse this time." And he ends it with a tender but quick kiss goodbye before getting on with his day.

If you ask him, he'll make you lunch for work if you don't feel like eating from a stand. You love it when he makes a bento box, not only for the good food but for the sweet little messages he puts at the top inside the box. "You're going to kill it today!" "I believe in you, honey!" "I love you, have a nice day!" You never throw away the notes instead you keep them to look back on when you have a bad day at work and you can't talk to him until late. It always makes you feel better.

At your house, you have a special room for all the plants in your home, it was his idea, and adds a new plant every six months. It was all for you (since you like plants and or have Asma) but it really turned into a room for himself and you're fine with it.

He can finally be selfish about something.

After a long day, for both of you, he gets a nice bubble bath going with wine glasses and candles so you both can release some stress.

After a long day, for both of you, he gets a nice bubble bath going with wine glasses and candles so you both can release some stress

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Anyway, he's my first headcanon entry! How do you guys like it? Tell me in the comments!

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